Chapter 1

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'Lucas, are you there?' I hear on the other side of the phone. A voice I recognize out of thousands. My best friend, calling for help. She probably has a broken heart. Like she has every month.
'Lucas?' she repeats. I answer, not trying to show off what I know. She might freak out or cry even harder because she feels so bad for falling in love with the bad guys, again and again. But it's not her fault. She's just a very attractive but sensitive girl. Guys date her to break her heart. I would never do that. But I would never even get the chance. 'Cause I'm friend zoned.

'He cheated on me' she says with true sorrow. I don't understand. How can she be so upset about a dick like him? I didn't know him really, but I bet he's a dick. An asshole. Only a selfish son of a bitch can cheat on a sweet girl like Mila. I wonder how many of those people there are in this world. How many times does her heart have to be broken before she really breaks? How long does it take before she starts to think that all guys are dicks? When do I get the chance to convince her what real love looks like?

'It'll be all right. You can get over him. You always do' my answer is, as usual. I'm trained at this. I could make a lot of money out of comforting girls with a broken heart. I already do it for over 2 years. Since Mila's first broken heart.

A sunny Friday afternoon. I finally dared to ask my best friend since fifth grade on a date. So I walked up to her like I always did. Friday was our "pizzovie-night", as we used to call it. We would order an extra large family pizza and watch as many movies as we could. It was always my favorite night. I mostly picked a horror movie so she would cuddle up to me.

This time I would ask the question that was going to change my life.

But I couldn't. There was a handsome guy standing next to Mila. He was telling stupid jokes that, for some reason, made her laugh. Although I loved her laugh, I wanted it to stop more than anything. In my dreams, I've shot that guy a million times. Not just because he was flirting with the love of my life. But because he knew. He knew exactly how much I loved her. Why would he do such a thing?
I walked closer towards them. Mila immediately said hi, followed by Jack. I said hi back while giving him a murderous glance. He smirked softly, thinking I was ridiculous. Maybe I was, but I wasn't the one who broke her heart after 2 weeks. Because after 2 weeks of hardly speaking to Mila, the phone rang. She was crying and inconsolable. The most awkward conversation I've ever had. I hoped it would be the last one.

2 years and 18 phone calls later, I still haven't asked her on a date. I'm still telling her what she wants to hear. I don't want to ruin our friendship and, for some reason, I want to prove her we can be friends. I want to prove everyone a boy and a girl can be friends, just friends. Without falling in love. I already failed but it still means a lot to me. I still want to prove I was right. I want to prove she was right.

'I'm never going to date someone ever again' she tells me with no doubt. 'I will not let my heart be broken again. Those monkeys can fly to the moon' she continues without swearing. If I were her, I would've sworn so bad. I would've called him so many names. But she's not anything like that. The closest she comes to swearing is saying docious. Which, by the way, isn't even a real word. Me, on the other hand, swear a lot. Well, I used to. Mila has said so many times that I shouldn't swear that it kind of worked. I still swear, but a lot less. No curses and diseases. I agree with her, that's disrespectful and outrageous.

'You know that won't happen. In two weeks you'll fall in love with some guy, thinking this is "THE ONE". But as usual, he's not' I say, immediately wanting to take back my words more than anything. But it's too late. She already heard them.

'You're right' is all she says before she hangs up. I screwed up. I ruined it all. Such a long time of building trust, crushed so quick. How did this happen? I need to make it up to her. I've got to.

Suddenly my phone rings again. I look on the screen to see Mila's name. I take a deep breath before I carefully pick up the phone. 'Hi' I say softly.

'I'm sorry' is all I hear. Confused I wait in silence.
'I forgot to thank you for being a friend' only now I realize it's Mila again.
'It's OK, you don't need to thank me for anything. I just screwed up our phone call.'

She laughs. 'I just want to suggest to have a pizzovie-night again. We haven't had one in ages. Which is weird because they were.-'

'Yes, that'll be great' I interrupt her.

'So.. I'll call you tomorrow at 10' she says awkwardly. I agree before we say goodbye. 

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