Chapter 3

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My alarm goes off loudly. It crushes al my dreams in less than one second. I immediately forget where they were all about and push the off button. I should start to use my phone as alarm like everyone else, but I'm simply too lazy for that. It's so much work and it probably won't even wake me up. That's as useless as it is.

I pull on some clothes and run off the stairs. I'm not late. The problem is, only one single thing needs to distract me and I will. I'm easily distracted. It feels like a curse. Mila keeps telling me that it's not a curse but a stupid habit I have to get rid of.

I stuff my mouth with a banana. Another habit. But it's not a bad one and I'm certainly not getting rid of it. Bananas are like my best buddies I've ever eaten. They're like the sunshine after a long winter. They're also good distractions.
I'm running through the house, it almost looks like flying. I grab all kind of things that I probably won't even need.

'Late for school?' my little sister asks me, but I don't have time to answer. I wave and leave the house, get my motorcycle and drive to school.

'It's a miracle!' Mila shouts out as we walk down the school halls, on our way to the cafeteria. 'You weren't late today' she continues, pretending that I'm always late. OK, maybe I am. I've been late so many time they want to contact my parents. They still haven't done that, luckily. With a divorce probably coming up, they won't be able to handle that their son is not doing well at school. Which is not even true because I'm doing fine. My grades are pretty good to be honest. They should be proud of me instead of fighting every day and night.

'I AM a miracle' I say while opening the doors of the cafeteria. It's busy and there are hardly any tables left. We find some empty spots at a table where the guys from the band are sitting.

'You forgot something' Simon says like I'm a fool. I look at him, trying to find out what he means.

'Your lunch idiot!' he says, making Mila and me immediately stand up and walk towards the counter. The lunch lady nods friendly while giving us a flavorless scoop of mashed potatoes. I nod back friendly but actually, I want to punch her in the face for serving such a gross lunch.

'Hey, Mila! Come sit with us!' I suddenly hear a voice shout from a faraway table. It's Amy, dressed all red, waving in our direction. Mila turns to me. 'Are you OK with that?' she asks gently.

'Yeah, sure' I say, not holding her back from doing whatever she wants to do. Simply because I know that's what's best for her, even though I don't want it. I want her to stay with me forever. I want to hold her when she has nightmares. To be mine.

I stare at her while she walks away before I make my way to the table again. The boys are talking about something but I don't know what. I can't stay focus on their conversation. My mind is at the wrong table. The pink table. It's not that they always wear pink, barely. It's just that they act like the plastics from mean girls, not that I've seen that. Maybe, a little.

'Monkey! Hey! Wake up!' William says while waving in front of my face. I blink my eyes before focusing them on reality. William is frowning at me, his sea-green eyes look confused at mine. After smirking softly, he pretends like nothing ever happened. He's strange but smart. He's smarter than most people think.

'Hey!' Jack shouts while pulling him back and forth. William reacts with a smile. Not the happy smile, but the "I'm way smarter than you"-smile. 'What do you know?!' he says a bit upset. He gets angry really quick and sometimes goes to a doctor for that. But honestly, I don't think that doctor really helps. It's just an excuse for his tantrums.

'Stop Jack' Simon interrupts the situation. He's the better doctor if you ask me. He has helped Jack through a lot. If it wasn't for Simon, Jack would've killed a man by now. Maybe not, we'll never know since Simon is here.

Simon pushes Jack back on his spot and takes the seat next to him. Now, we awkwardly sit, looking at each other. William is smiling from cheek to cheek. He probably just found out what I was thinking about. I shake my head while giving him a warning look, he needs to keep his mouth shut.

The sound of the school bell finally makes an end to what seems like the worst lunch in history. Poor enough, it's not. It's quite a regular lunch. They're all different, I have to admit. But many of them end with killing looks and silence. It's not that we never have fun together. There are plenty of moments when we have more fun than a kid with a teddy bear can ever have. Lunching is just not our thing. Band practice is fun, I like it very much. On band practices I almost forget how much I hate Jack, I really hate him. How could he? I know we weren't the best friends. But I told him how much I liked her. I should've never told him. I could've known what a dick he was, he still is.

'I'm home!' I shout while entering the hallway, but there's no response. I shout again and realize it's Tuesday, which means, home alone till 5 pm.

I run upstairs till my feet reach the attic. My safe haven. A place where I can let myself fully go. And since my parents aren't home, I can drum even harder. The attic is the only place for my drum kit. I love this place more than I love bananas. Speaking of bananas, I'm a bit hungry. I run off the stairs and get a figurative heart attack when I almost fall into the kitchen.

'What are you doing here?' 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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