Caught In The Act!

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|Monday at Raw|

Roman's Pov:

I was in catering getting food for me and Miley (who was still angry at me after the kiss incident) when two hands covered my eyes. I smelled Sasha's lotion and turned around to see her smiling sexily at me. "Hey sexy," she said tracing my bicep. "What are you doing here?! Miley could see you!" I hissed. "Who gives a shit about her? I want you and want you now," Sasha said covering my fly with her hand.

I willed my cock not to react to her touch but it ignored me. I felt my fly grow tight. "How do you do it Banks? How do you make an engaged man beg for mercy like you do?" I moaned. "It's a gift," she said and pulled me to an empty locker room. I pushed her up against the wall and made short work of her clothes and mine.

Of course in the heat of passion I forgot to shut and lock the fucking door. I slammed into Sasha and started fucking her hard and fast. I didn't count on her screaming my name as I fucked her though. "Shut it!" I hissed. "No baby I love you and want the world to know I'm being fucked by the Big Dog!" Sasha hissed back.

I gave up and kept fucking her. I didn't hear Miley walk up to the door and it swing open. "Roman!!! What the fuck is going on here?!" I heard her scream in anger. I pulled out of Sasha and she dropped with a squeal to the floor. "Miley baby......its not what you.....," I started to explain when she slapped me even harder than after the kiss.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!!!" she screamed. "I thought I was the only one for you!!!! Apparently I'm not!!" Miley pulled her engagement ring off her finger and threw it at me. "We are DONE!" she said and ran off. "Miley! Damn it!!" I said and got dressed. "Forget her! Let's finish!" Sasha whined. "Hell no! You've ruined everything for me!! Miley is the love of my life and I've probably lost her because of YOU!! We are DONE!! Do not contact me and STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!" I said and ran after Miley.

I saw Miley disappear into our locker room and I followed her shutting the door behind me. "Baby come on don't do this!" I begged watching as she grabbed her bags and started packing her stuff. I put my hand on her arm to stop her and she jerked away from me. "Don't you touch me you filthy cheater!!" she said angrily.

"Miley please let me explain!" I begged. "Fine you have ten seconds to explain why I walked in to see your balls deep in that slut!" Miley screamed. "Look she started texting me a while back, saying she was lonely and needed a friend. So I started to text her back being a friend ya know? Then things took awide turn when," I stopped when I saw her face but then kept going, "Sasha started sending me pics. Of her tits and pussy. I deleted them but she had me. I was hooked, like she wanted," I said.

"That kiss that she and I shared a few days ago was the first kiss we shared. I hated kissing her. Her lip gloss was this fake raspberry flavor and it tasted like shit," I said. "The was a spur of the moment thing. She manipulated me baby." Miley finished packing and grabbed her bags. "Not good enough. If you want me back then you're gonna have to PROVE IT! Prove to me that I'm your only one! I'm only giving you three chances to do it. You blow them you lose me FOR GOOD!" Miley said and walked out leaving me staring after her.

"MILEY!" I yelled dropping to my knees. What the fuck have I done?! I made the love of my life leave me because of a stupid mistake!!! I had to get her back somehow someway. I couldn't live without her!.

Seth and Dean came walking up to me then. "Ro? You ok?" Seth asked me. "No......I.....cheated on Miley......with Sasha," I said and promptly received two smacks to the back of my head. "You did WHAT?!" Dean said. Seth just stared at me in disgust.

"Look I know I did wrong----," I began. "Ya THINK?!" Dean said sarcastically. "Shut it Ambrose. I royally screwed myself with doing this to Miley, and I'm going to get her back. Mark my words!" I said. "Wait. We all know you would never cheat on Miley willingly. Sasha did something to make you succumb to her seductive ways......but what did she do and how did she do it?" Seth said and that got me thinking. He was right; I'd never willingly cheat on Miley. This was a mystery that needed to be solved. And fast.

Miley's Pov:

I headed towards the exit dragging my bags with me. My eyes were blinded by the angry tears dripping out of them. I still couldn't believe he cheated on me!!! I was almost to the exit when I heard voices calling my name. I turned and saw Sky and Paige running towards me.

"Miley! What's wrong?" Sky asked worriedly. "R-Roman.......cheated on me!" I blurted out starting to sob. "What?! No way he'd never in a million years cheat on you!" Paige said shaking her head. "I saw him fucking Sasha Paige!" I said as Sky handed me a box of tissues. "Oh shit!" Sky said shaking her head.

I blew my nose hard. "I really thought he loved only me," I said sniffling. "He does love only you Miley! I can't figure out why he would do this," Sky said. "Unless it was against his will," Paige said and Sky and I both looked at her. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "What if Sasha......I don't know......drugged Roman somehow to make him do whatever she asked him to?".

"No I don't think so. He cheated on me. He did it on his own. I'm going to the hotel. See you later," I said and left. I drove to the hotel and got a room to myself (no way was I sharing a room with a dirty ass cheater) and cried myself to sleep.

Bitches In Love! (Sequel To The Bitches Of Justices)Where stories live. Discover now