Chapter Six

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"Tonight was amazing! I mean I knew you were all talented and everything but you still shocked me." Harry said sitting down on my bed in the hotel room. I smiled at him, "Thanks, you guys were amazing too." Once we got back to the hotel Harry and I agreed to get cleaned up then meet up so we were both sitting on my bed with wet hair and in our pajamas. "I mean like really amazing. I knew you all really taletented and could sing but seeing it in person was amazing too."

Harry smiled at me picking at the blanket. I liked that we didn't act awkward around each other because of yesterday. We could carry on a normal conversation and not a moment of silence between us. "So you think you can tell me more about you? Or are we not at that level of friends yet?" Harry asked crossing his legs looking at me. I laughed and sat back against the headboard, "You know you can sit up here right so you don't have to sit so proper like but yes you can know more about me," I smiled at him as he noded and came up to sit down next to me.

"So tell me more about you," Harry said looking at me. I took a second to think how about you ask specific questions and I answer them to make it easier to tell me?" He nodded and thought of a question, "Okay so let's start off easy what's your favorite color?" I shook my head, "Well I like the colors yellow and pink the most," I smiled looking down at my lap. "Nice favorite food?" He looked at me, "Mexican tacos and fijiatas are to die for." I looked over at him smiling, "You sound like my kind of girl." He said smiling at me which caused me to blush and look down.

We continue to talk and he continue to ask me more questions about everything and anything. We were up to the early hours just asking and answering random question about each other as Harry told really bad jokes which made me laugh anyways. Sooner or later we both fell asleep to laughing and talking. 


"Mahogony get up we have to get going!" A knock on my door caused me to wake up from my slumber. I groaned and mumbled a response before getting up but realized there was an arm holding me down. I turned around confused to see a sleeping Harry sleeping adorably next to me. I mentally awed at the sight before carefully turning around to wake him up, "Harry we got to get up you have an interview soon." I said softly running my hand over his face. 

He slowly opened his eyes and blinked the sleep away, "This isn't a dream right? You're actually waking me up and we actually fell asleep next to each other right? I didn't dream it?" He asked once he woke up enough to question me looking straight into my eyes. I giggled a little, "This is actually happening Harry we fell asleep and I'm right now waking you up. You didn't dream it." A smile broke out onto his face, "Okay so the real question is can I give you a goodmorning kiss like normal couples do?" This time I smiled and bit my lip looking at him, "Only if you could define normal couples to me?" 

He took a second, "I mean you and me normal couple." I smiled and nodded, "I guess if we're the defination of a normal couple then I think it's alright for a goodmorning kiss." Harry leaned in a placed his forehead against mine, "So this means we're a normal couple," He smiled before kissing me softly, "Goodmorning." I closed my eyes and smiled, "Goodmorning." 

We took a couple more seconds to just stare into eachother's eyes, "As fun as it is to just do this I think we need to get up." I laughed which caused Harry to laugh as well and remove his arm away from my waist. I got up quickly walking over to the bathroom with my clothes in hand. I did my business then brushed my teeth and quickly got dressed in leggings and a crop top throwing my hair up into a messy pony tail before walking out into the shared kitchen to find everyone sitting down talking in groups. I smiled at Harry before taking a seat next to Danielle who was seated with Eleanor, Perrie, and Sophia, "Hey guys Paul and Max are here they want to talk to the six of us," Isabel said walking in and looking at the boys who nodded following Isabel out into the living room. "What do you think it's about?" Danielle asked us which caused me to shrug "Probably something about their interview or something." 

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