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zara pov


"Wait a minute you're the werewolf that klaus shacked up with?" I asked while my eyes were popping out of my eye sockets.

I can't believe I just bumped into her.

"I guess you can say that." She said with a smile, holding her stomach.

"Sorry that was so rude I'm surprised he's letting you stay with him. Klaus could be difficult." 

I said and she gave me a small smile, she seems a little cautious of me.

"Well...I'm headed down stairs to find some alcoholic beverage basically I'm extremely overwhelmed." I said bluntly. Hayley was pretty and had a beautiful Australian accent. I have to give Klaus some props, usually he would pick dumb blondes but she actually seemed intelligent.

I still can't believe klaus is having a baby.

"As much fun as that sounds I think I'm just going to rest." She said politely.

"Okay do you know were Rebekah is?" I asked.

"Nope haven't really seen her in a while." She said. With that said I headed downstairs, shouting out a "Thanks."

Klaus has a lot of vampires roaming, As soon as I walked down some of them gave me blank expressions and some gave me obnoxious grins. If only they knew. I headed towards a sofa and plopped on it with a tequila bottle in hand but then I heard a giggle and minutes later I felt a sharp object go right through my upper back. I got up and pulled the knife from my back slowly.

I wish I could say it hurt, but I honestly when you lived my life, you don't feel pain anymore.

"Who threw it?" I asked, turning to face them all.

"I did new girl." A girl scoffed. She walked up to me thinking she was intimidating me. But before she could lunge at me I ripped her heart out. Her limp body fell to the floor instantly. I know what you guys are thinking I thought you said you weren't a killer I'm not unless you tamper with me and she definitely was tampering with me, she deserved it. I threw her heart to the ground. More vampires started coming towards me, I'm guessing they were her friend and were upset. the only vampires that new better was Diego and one other vampire.


After a couple of minutes they were all dead on the floor they obviously did not stand a chance their strength felt like at least 200 years old. Which is weak compared to me. My outfit was bloody, I had blood all over my hands....Great!

As I was about to kill the last one I heard a familiar voice.

"You always did have a temper." She said. I quickly turned around and I saw Rebekah, I threw the vampire across the room and ran up to Rebekah hugging her.

"Oh my gosh were have you been?!" I squealed.

"Klaus told me you were coming and I decided to visit. I missed you." She said with a grin. But she really didn't answer my question. But once she saw the mess her face turned into a frown.

"Marcel is going to be mad." She said. I honestly don't care they were rude anyways.

"Who cares. I haven't seen you in years." I said sounding excited.

"Well there all going to have some meeting and party with all the vampires, witches, werewolves and humans so you'll need to wear a nice dress." she said poking my cheek.

"A meeting, why? We all know that all of us can't be together in one roof." I stated.

"Well love, your going and you need to wear something nice I think klaus will send a dress and shoes for you." She said.

"Oh okay will you be there?" I asked.

"Nope I was only visiting to see you." She stated nervously.

"What?! Rebekah your not leaving me here with Elijah and Nik." I said blankly.

"I have to get back for my flight I'll visit again, Okay love?" She said. I was speechless she can't just leave me.

"Okay...bye Rebekah." I said, frozen in place. She gave me a big hug and that was it.

The only person in this house that I actually was looking forward to seeing was gone, my only a ally.


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