Chapter 8

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I ran out of the cabin and to my car. I got in and locked all of the doors, and blocked the windows. I could hear Connor shouting for me and banging on the door. I grabbed a blade from my bag.

"One for calling me a slut" I cut once

"One for calling me ugly" I cut once more

"One for calling me fat" I cut again

"And one for saying Connor shouldn't date me" I cut the last time. I felt the blood rushing down my arm. I cleaned all of my cuts and changed my clothes. I put on a pair of black leggings, a red tribal cropped tank top, and a white big knit cardigan. I left my car.

"Your ok!" Connor said as he lifted me into a hug and kissed me.

"You waited for me?" I asked surprised.

"Or course!" he out me down and my sweater sleeve rolled up a bit.

"Yvonne!" he shouted

"Yeah?" I asked nervously.

He lifted up my sleeve

"Why?" he said with tears in his eyes. I didn't say anything, I just cried into his chest.

"Shhhhhh it's ok. Please don't cry" he said calmly.


I'm having mixed emotions about this. It's sad and happy idk


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