Chapter 22

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I opened my eyes and I was pretty dizzy.

"Guys guys she's up!" Andrea said while putting an ice pack on my head.

"Yvonne! Yvonne!" Connor ran to me and grabbed my wrist lightly. "Why?" He sounded hurt.

"Just, read the comments on my video"


"Yvonne do you need an aspirin?" Andrea asked while Connor grabbed his laptop.

"Yes please" She gave me an aspirin. "Thanks"

"No problem"

Connor started to read the comments and tears started streaming down his face.

"Why? Why! WHY!" He slammed his laptop shut and cried into his hands.

"Babe. Don't cry" I said trying to comfort him.

"I'm sorry. It's just. They were saying awful things. It hurts me"

"Don't worry everything will be ok"

"Alright. How's your wrist?"

"It stings a little. It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did before"

"That's good"


"Promise you won't do that again?"

"Promise" I pecked his lips.

"Wanna get Starbucks?"


We went down to Starbucks. I got a cotton candy frappe and he got an iced latte. Afterwards we decide to take a walk to the park.



Bye shit zits

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