chappie 1

123 3 2

Madison Beer

"This is so useless" I sigh, crumpling another resume into a ball, before tossing it in a trash bin beside me.

That was like the 15th person in three days we've tried to hire.

Some of them had to have 'flexible' hours, or 'higher' pay, or wanted to take pictures on 'their terms'.

That's not how it worked.

If you wanted this job, you had to do things my way (or my managers), with the pay we've offered ($40 an hr), and you had to be with me at least 6-8 hours a day, probably 5-6 days a week, depending on what's happening, or needing to be done.

So if you couldn't bring that to the table, you should've never sat down in the first place.

"Relax, Mads. Trust the process, trust me. I'm your manager, I'm gonna find you one." Scooter says.

I nodded, and he looked through another resume, and raised his eyebrows, handing me the paper, that held the personal information, and why they wanted this job.

It was a guy.

"Cyrus.." I say.

"Wanna bring him in? Give him a shot?" Scooter asks.

I shrug.

"Sure, what the heck" I say.

Scooter walked out the doors, and I got a text from my good friend Kelsey.

From Kelsey :

Are we going out tonight or whaaat? 🤪

I laugh a little.

To Kelsey :

You know ittt 🤪🤪

Scooter comes back in, and sighs.

"He's not here yet, he's held up at a college class, so he won't be able to make it until 5:30ish" he tells me.

"I've got to head home, but, tell you what.. you meet him, get to know him, and if he seems good enough, he's got it, okay?"

Scooter nods.

"You got it" he says.

"Thank you for doing this, later Scooter!"

"Bye, drive safe!"



⚫️ ⚫️

When I get back home, I park my range, and head inside.

I admit, living in such a big house on your own, can get lonely sometimes

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I admit, living in such a big house on your own, can get lonely sometimes.

My lab Cooper began running over, and almost knocked me over. I smile, and bend down, running my hands through his fur, and kissing his face.

"Hey Coop, were you a good boy? Huh? Were you?" I ask him in a silly baby tone.

He whines, and licks my face.

My housekeeper Sonya came out of the bathroom, and I smile.

"Hello Miss. Beer, you have.. nice day at work?" She asks.

"It was okay.. I still haven't found a personal photographer who fits into my hectic schedule, and Sonya, you don't have to call me Miss" I say.

She apologizes.

"It's okay, you don't have to say sorry either" I tell her.

"Would you like me to make dinner before I go?" She asks.

"No thank you, I'm gonna go out tonight with some friends, but I'll see you tomorrow morning?" I ask.

She smiles and nods.

"Bright and early Mis– I mean, Madison. I'll make your favorite breakfast" she says.

I grin.

"Sounds like a plan" I nod.

"You enjoy your night!" She calls.

"You too, don't party too hard" I joke, making both of us laugh.

Sonya was really great.

She was kind, down to earth, and honest, so trustworthy, I was lucky to have her.

I decided to check my phone.

Scooter texted me.

From Scooter :

Congrats to you on finally getting a new personal photographer!! Cyrus was perfect for the job, you'll meet him tomorrow morning! See you in my office around 10??

I grinned.


To Scooter :

Omg, finallyyy!!! Yes!! See you then :p

Now that, that was taken care of, I could shower and get ready for the evening.

I wonder what Cyrus was like.. what he looked like..

First chapter of this, I'm super excited 😍 and yes if you're wondering

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First chapter of this, I'm super excited 😍 and yes if you're wondering.. her house is the house from "The Kissing Booth" movie.

- Mack

Photographer • madison beerWhere stories live. Discover now