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Madison Beer

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Madison Beer

After I got dressed, and ate breakfast, I headed to the studio, to meet Scooter and Cyrus.

I was kinda.. nervous in a way.

I guess because I haven't had to have anyone really new to my team in a long time.

My other photographer had been with me since I started in this industry, but she was ready to settle down, and start a family, she didn't have time for a hectic schedule, or lifestyle anymore, especially after finding out she was pregnant with twins.

Still had a lot of love for her, always would.

When I got to the studio, my nerves didn't ease up at all. I walked inside, and took the elevator up.

When I got on Floor 15, I walked over to Scooter's office, swinging open the door.

Walking inside, I see Scooter only.

"Hey! You're here, awesome, Cyrus just went to grab us some coffee"

"I thought he was my photographer?"

"He is.."

"Then why is he running errands like an assistant?"

Scooter chuckles.

"Some people are just kind" he says.

L o l.

"Alright.. we got a caramel latte, a plain black coffee, and for me.. also a plain black coffee" a guy walks in, setting the coffee on the table.

When he looks up, I'm literally at loss for words.

He was.. hot.

Like.. HOT hot.

"Alright, Cyrus, this is Madison Beer" he Scooter says.

He smiles at me, and I smile back.

"Madison, please meet your new personal photographer, Cyrus Reed" Scooter says.

I hold out my hand, and he takes it, shaking it firmly.

"Nice to finally meet you" he says.

"You too, thanks for finally being the one to handle the job" I say.

He chuckles.

"Thanks for giving me a chance" he says.

"Alright, there's one catch.. Mads, Cyrus does have one college class he's almost finished with, he has the rest of the semester, and he's done with school, he has class.. once a week?" Scooter asks.

Cyrus nods.

"Yes sir, Monday's from 7-10am" he says.

I nod.

"That's fine, you'll be able to come whenever after?" I ask, he nods.

"Whenever, where-ever" he says.

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