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OK so thats the prologue that i wrote like six months or more ago and I was trying to correct this so i don't expect u to vote on this potentially crappy thing but comment at least its really motivational (even comments like 'what the fuck was that' coz i know if smn actually reads this). in case i make a stupid mistake and/or write sth two times just remind me coz its 1.20 am here and i may be a little sleep-deprived :) If loki seems a little ooc here, just be patient, it will make sense with time


Loki was sitting in the palace library, looking out of the window at the overly sunny landscape. After a while he sighed and started to play with magic. He remembered his Mother telling him not to overuse his powers, but a little practice wouldn't do much harm, would it? Suddenly, a guard disturbed the silence of the room.

"I apologise for the interruption, Your Highness," the soldier said, though his tone didn't suggest any regret at all, "but the King has asked or you." Loki sighed and, as gracefully as he could (which means very gracefully), jumped down from the windowsill. "Tell him that I'll be there in a couple of minutes." Loki answered and with a nod of his head, gestured the guard to leave the room. Once the door closed, the magician wondered what could possibly force his Father to call for his youngest son. He was aware that it was widely known that the younger prince didn't get along with the King very well. He wasn't overly fond of his dad and got used to the situation. Or so he told himself.

Realisation struck him like a lightning (ironic, really). If the King usually avoided his son, what could've been so important to change the stubborn mind of his? Appointing the heir to the throne! He wasn't dumb, he knew his chances of ruling were close to zero, but he made a promise. Promise that he would find out the real reason for the King's behaviour.

He didn't believe, even for a second, that it was about his attitude towards fighting, so different from his brother's. More than a thousand years ago, when they were still kids basically, the subject was still fresh. The young prince got constantly hurt by the rumours about him and his fighting issues. Learning how to fight was one of the most important things on Asgard and it had a long history of developing different styles and moves, effective for most Asgardians, even women. Loki, though, was different. His main advantage wasn't strength. He preferred using his agility, speed and illusions to win a fight. Unfortunately, most people seemed to think it was odd, weird. Unnatural. What a bullshit. He just had more than slightly different methods than his so-called friends. And rest of the world in fact. People accused him of cheating, called him a liar. He pretended that it didn't get through to him at all, even though sometimes he just wanted to curl into a ball and fall asleep. Would be even better if he never woke up. Still, this option never came into question.So he learned how to conceal his emotions, so people couldn't use them against him. No one knew his true feelings, not even his mother. After all these years he got used to this. Putting his safe, cold and cynical mask was natural for him by now. Only sometimes, in the excluded library, he stared blankly at the old, yellow pages, not even trying to read, asking himself the same question again and again. How is using your natural abilities wrong?

He was always the odd one out. Everywhere.

Loki shook his head, leaving behind his feelings and controlling his power. A little more dwelling and he might lose those mere scraps of self-control and blow up half of the library in a magic blast.

Let's return to the actual problem. Even though his mind seemed to have infinite amounts of imagination, not even Loki could figure out a logical answer to the question nagging him. What caused the exclusion? Not his powers for sure, even though he could see that his Father didn't also approve of using them in fighting. Damn, he could even remember how Odin used to praise him for learning to control them. That was about 1400 years ago. So what else could it be? Obviously not his snarky attitude he couldn't control sometimes, it wasn't a reason strong enough. Loki sighed exasperatedly. He had truly no idea, but won't stop before he discovers the truth. It couldn't be worse than it was, right? His own Father ignoring his existence, his brother prefers fighting and his "friends" than talking to him, said "friends" didn't even bother to acknowledge his existence other than mentally abuse him and the only person who even tried to understand him was his mother.

Eventually, he decided that heading to the throne room was for the best, because he didn't want to piss the King off.

While walking down the palace corridors, nobody noticed his presence. And he wasn't exactly shocked. Even though he was the second prince, no one really seemed to care about his life, maybe except his mother.

The way to the throne room was incredibly long, which wasn't a surprise, actually. It's surroundings were the most crowded an loud place in the palace, so locating the library far away from it seemed like a logical decision. It gave him peace and silence from the chatter.

The indistinct noises told him that his destination wasn't far away. After about a minute, he was standing in front of a huge, ornamented, golden door. He knocked, the sound resonating through the metal. Just after, they began to open slowly.

"Loki, my son..."


so my dear readers (if you are there)... 979 words! which is short but still. and don't worry about the very midgardian style of thinking that loki has, it will be explained later on. prepare for the next boring three short chapters coz the action starts in four!!! ( don't be discouraged though it'll be worth it)

again thank you @Missfunfunandfun for the reviews so long ago

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