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yeah i was gone for long but here we are with a lot of chapters 




"What the actual fuck?" He heard an angry voice. He was laying on something soft. And his head hurt. He tried moving his fingers. Worked, but slowly. He wasn't dead?

"Loki. One more time, from the bottom of my cold heart, why the fuck did you do that?"


Yeah, he wasn't dead. Khione.

He groaned as he tried to open his eyes. He decided to let them stay closed. He knew Khione for like a couple of hours, she apparently knew him longer, but he kind of trusted her. They were both monsters.

"I love you too, Khione." He sassed, but his voice was still weak. He heard her sigh.

"Answer the question."

It was his turn to sigh. He opened his eyes more easily this time. He was in a room. The walls were light grey and there was a lot of bookshelves on two of them, the third one on the other side of the room was filled by a large window. He was covered with a grey fluffy blanket that surprisingly didn't heat him up too much. He wondered what material was it made of. Weak light of a rising sun was leaking through the slightly open curtains. Khione was sitting on the windowsill pillows and glaring at him. She dropped her battle armour and war paint and was dressed in a dark grey loose sleeveless top with six golden wings and a pentagram print and black sweatpants. Her hair fell around her face in a mess (definitely not on purpose, she probably forgot about it). She looked... different. Still tired and half-starved, though. He pushed himself up slowly. Khione didn't move to help him and he was grateful for that. He was uncomfortable in his skin. Knowing the truth kind of broke him.

"Well, maybe because I'm a monster?" He asked ironically. Khione's expression softened a bit.

"You're not." She said with conviction. He felt a pang of anger and concentrated on the cold feeling within his soul. He could feel his skin changing colour.

"Really?" He sassed. Khione didn't even blink. His skin returned to normal. Or the Asgardian one. He didn't know what was normal at this point.

"No, Loki, you're not a monster. You are a victim of the universe's cruelty. I already knew about your heritage for about a thousand years." She stood up and went to sit on his bed. Loki wasn't very convinced. "You know, it's not your fault. None of it. Odin is just... cruel. And you're not his first victim." She said the last sentence looking at her hands. Loki instinctively reached out to grab her shoulder reassuringly, but he stopped a few inches from her and looked at his hand. Khione looked up in understanding, but her gaze dropped again. "I'm not sure that I should tell you this today. You had your fair share of problems. I don't know if you are ready to hear it now." She said quietly. He scoffed halfheartedly.

"I won't ever be more ready. Spill." Khione laughed dryly.

"Well, it's on you how you take it."

He nodded. She sighed and rubbed her forehead. She lay down next to Loki (well like a foot and a half away from him, it was a large bed). He remained seated.

"Odin wasn't always the peacemaker he is now. He was driven by ruthless ambition to conquer. The fucking war was a bloodbath. He murdered millions. But... he wasn't alone. You have an older sister, Loki. Odin's firstborn."

She fell silent for him to adjust to the news. When he whispered "okay", she continued.

"Her name was Hela. She was the Goddess of Death. She was born during Odin's quest to be the King of the Realms. From childhood she was infected by his bloodthirsty ambitions. He made her his Executor. But, one day, Odin found the Space Stone. The Tesseract, one of the Infinity Stones. It showed him what the path he was on will lead to. He freaked. He cast Hela into Hel (with one 'l') and covered up all the traces of the blood he spilled. He married Frigga and had Thor, soon adopted you. But that's not the end. Odin decided that he'll hunt down all monsters that can endanger his position."

She was silent for a couple of moments, wondering what to say. Loki gave her time. Yes, it was weird to see Is Dronning talk like that, but she obviously went through some shit in her life. She started again.

"Long story short, about a eleven hundred years ago he caught me, decided that I was too powerful to kill and locked me up. After a while, he got me chains that blocked a part of my powers. I broke out after a hundred years but the chains stayed."

Loki was making rapid connections in his mind. He grew paler and paler. Khione was silent for a couple of minutes. Finally, she looked up to see a slightly shaken God of Mischief. She closed her eyes with resignation.

"Of course." She sighed.

That seemed to snap Loki out of his shock. He looked at her sadly.

"Show me." He said quietly.

Khione sat up and was almost standing up, when Loki's hand pulled her down. She flinched and the hand immediately dropped. But she stayed seated. She looked at him, sorrow in her moony eyes (how eyes without a pupil could be so expressive he had no idea).

"I knew from the moment I felt your magic signature. But even you can't help."

His face showed grim determination.

"Damn right, I can."

Khione sighed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. On her forearms, two shackles appeared, about half a foot long. The chains attached to them looked ripped through. Loki's face darkened in anger.

"He told me they were for a great and dangerous enemy of Asgard. That the Realms were in danger. And turns out that you were the one who never lied to me."

Taking advantage of Khione's surprise at his words, Loki put his hands on the shackles and closed his eyes. He always left a way out in the cursed objects he made. He concentrated on finding the hole. Aaaaand... there it was. He poured his power into it and the irons burst open. He opened his eyes and straightened with pride. Is Dronning looked at her forearms with shock. Finally free.

"So long..." She whispered.

She turned to Loki.

And hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." She whispered again.

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