Sammy & Ignis twin sisters

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When Sammy was a infant she was separated from her sister, and given to a different family. She didn't mind it she just wanted to be known as a good person or a goodie goodie. Sammy learned English before Korean so she knows Korean but doesn't have that ascent...she speaks both thoroughly. She loved T-ara a Korean band she had about 5 T-shirts with them on it mostly the band name but still she loved them. She had a pretty chill childhood...went to a good school was the target of bullying but either than that she was fine. She'd skip to school and the bow in her hair would bounce with each skip, when the bullies came they'd push her into the road and tease her calling her fat, ugly, short, and gay...they were right about two things but she couldn't tell them she knew they'd tell the whole school and that'd be humiliating! She always kept to herself never showed any negativity towards others keeping her reputation in check. Sammy'd come home and write in her diary about everyone...she never moved her diary from her room so when one of the bullies followed her home and took her diary she knew what they were up to...When the talent show was coming up she knew what they were going to do...They read her diary to the whole school...she was bullied by more and more people...even the teachers did! After about 3 months of this harassment she had had enough...When she realized her real potential her real powers her real self... WAR... They had started the war and Sammy finished it once and for all. The whole school was destroyed on graduation day she had been planning it for weeks...when she stuck...they couldn't ever had the chance to recover...​


Ignis had a great family. They cared about her well being never pushed her to her limits or ever abused her. She was a good kid she did all her school work, home work, just work in general. She loved life to its fullest! Until her parents announcing they were having a baby! She couldn't wait! When her little sister was born... she didn't know it'd ruin her life for the rest of eternity. Everyday she was tortured by being teased and bullied for good reason by her little sister. She thought maybe her sister was just playing with her, so if she just endured it maybe she would stop...she was wrong...Day after day after day, she was bullied and tried to ignore it...eventually she wasn't able to anymore...Her sister had started a fire. As soon as it started the whole house was engulfed in flames, Ignis nearly got out but...the front door was locked...from the outside... she ran to the backdoor but that was locked as well, she checked every door in the house they were all LOCKED!! She tried and tried to escape but it was no use, she even tried the windows but they were no luck. When the front door burnt down to the point where she could escape she took the slim chance of escape in her hands before it was taken away then a pillar collapsed on top of her "NO!" she screamed! "NO! I CAN'T DIE HERE I WAS SO CLOSE!!" She watched as the flames burst the and grew around her she saw the pillars collapse and fall causing the space above her fall to the ground...the pain was to much to bare and fainted...and awoke in a hospital, even she knew there was a WAR at hand... she knew she wasn't going to just give in...she was going to finish this once and for all...​

Author's Note: Ignis and Sammy are both horsemen of the apocalypse they both are the horseman of WAR

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