The Plan

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3 days

"Stop drooling," Alexis states as she pulls back her blonde hair. Her curls bundle up together in a messy bun. She taps my chin. "You had your chance."

"Yeah. In fourth grade." I roll my eyes and turn back towards my locker. I pull out my textbooks and shove them into my bag. Alexis laughs softly at my side. "What's so funny?"

"He probably still likes you," she says, glancing behind us.

"No," I whisper.

"Yes," she argues.

"Really, Alexis? He avoids me at all costs. He doesn't remember my name. He has gone out with half the student body."

"Funny how were both in the other fifty-percent. You'd think he'd ask one of us out by now."

"I'm quiet and neutral."

"I'm loud and bright. He has to have noticed us." She shakes her head. "I believe that he likes you."

"I believe he doesn't know me."

"It's not just a coincidence that he hasn't made a move on me yet." She raises her eyebrows. "I'm a senior, I'm blonde, I have a nice body, I'm nicely tanned. You could call me flawless."

"You're conceited."

"And you're not?"

"I don't boast about it," I say.

"I think that if you got him to notice you he'd remember you. He'd fall to his knees and beg for you."

"We are talking about Parker, right?" I ask.


"I don't think so, Lex."

"We graduate in three days. You have three days to find out if Parker really likes you."

"Alexis," I begin.

"No. You have liked each other for eight years. Eight years."

"Technically I've like him for eight. He probably liked me for three."

"Please, Quinn."


"I'll help you. Just do what I say." I roll my eyes again. "Oh. And be yourself. Always be yourself."

"Okay, Alexis, I got it."

"I'm sure you do. You've gone out with about . . . zero guys. Where as he - he has gone out with about a million girls."

"Way to boost my confidence and I'm pretty sure it's not a million."

"Close enough."

"Again, that's enough confidence boosting for one day." I lay the sarcasm on thick and turn to walk down the hall. Alexis follows me. "Why are you so interested in him?"

"Because you've always liked him and you had to watch him change from a sweet young man to what he is now. That must've been hard. And you've never stopped liking him."

"I know. I think that he's truly the same. He just had to change to . . ."

"To what?"

"I don't know," I say, shaking my head.

"To get over you?" Alexis suggests.

"Let's just drop it."

"No. I think that you can use these last three days to prove that he still likes you. I said I'll help." She nods her head like a crazy woman. Her eyes light up and I know she's forming a plan.

I reach my car and turn back to Alexis. "Okay, what do I do first?"

"Tomorrow wear those black strapped sandals."

"That's it?"

"Oh. And get here like an hour early."

"Is the school even open then?" I ask.


"I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." She walks away with a huge grin on her face. I shudder from her creepiness.

On my way home I think a lot about our conversation. I have three days to find out if Parker still has feelings for me. Does he have feelings for me? I don't know.


I just found this and I didn't know that I had the first part written but I'm super excited about it so here ya go

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