The Makeover

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2 days

I stomp down the stairs with a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt on. My mom notices the way I'm dressed and how early it is. I ignore her stares and reach for an apple.

"Why are you heading out so early?" she asks.

"Alexis and I have some last minute things to do before school."

"Alright." She goes back to her coffee she was drinking. I open the door but her voice stops me from stepping outside. "And those sandals do not go with that outfit."

I laugh. "Thanks for the tip, mom."

When I arrive at school I hurry to the front doors. I expect them to be locked but they open on the first try. Right when I step inside I'm greeted by Alexis.

"Good. The braids, sandals . . . wait. Is your bra white?"

"Yes. I followed every rule."

"Then we should be okay." She grabs my hand and leads me to the nearest restroom. "Take off those nasty clothes."

"Yes, your highness." I roll my eyes and take my pants off as Alexis throws me a pair of high waisted shorts. "Really?" I ask while putting them on. "These only look good on Taylor Swift."

Alexis smiles. "Good thing you have long legs and a small waist. And even if you didn't, you're gorgeous so who cares."

"Thanks, Lex." I remove my sweatshirt and she hands me a white top that'll barely go down to my belly button. "Where did you get these clothes? I'd never wear these on my own terms. Never."

"Just making you noticeable." Alexis shrugs her shoulders, then begins to take out my hair. "You left these in all night, right?"

I nod my head in response and she just smiles back.

"Yesterday, you told me to be myself, but now look at what you've done."

Alexis rolls her eyes.

"And you know we should be focused on our last day of school, not some silly plan to make some guy notice me."

"One, you can still be yourself personality-wise. And two, we have school for one more day. One day. Then on Friday, we leave this place for good." She finishes taking out my hair and starts to pull some of the dark waves back in some elaborate way. "And besides, are final exams really that hard?"

"Yes, they are. I need all my focus to be on them today, then tomorrow . . ."

"We are done!" Alexis finishes for me.

"Exactly," I say, "so I don't know why I agreed to this crazy idea."

"Because you like Parker." She finishes pulling my hair back and walks over to her bag of stuff. She starts to dig through it.

"I do not." I roll my eyes as she throws me a cardigan.

"Uh, yeah you do. And that's that sweater you let me borrow, like, three months ago. I know you won't be totally comfortable in this outfit so you can wear that, too."

"Gee. Thanks, Lex."

"I love you, Quinny." She sticks out her bottom lip. "Do this? For me?"

I pull at the waist of the shorts, where they were barely able to tuck in the shirt. "Alexis," I breathe.


"All right." I pull the cardigan on and look up at my best friend. Her brown eyes are bright

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I say.

"But I love you just the way you are. Remember that. This is just to get him to notice you, but you have to always be yourself. Got that?" she asks.

"Yeah. I've got it." I give her a small smile and she returns it also instantly.


Not many people are reading this. This story is mostly for myself because it makes me happy :)
Bye now.

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