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Ed looked up in shock as his office door was slammed open. "Seriously Jimbo haven't you heard of knocking" he mocked as he rolled his eyes at the detective's display.

"Sure... then you scurry away through whatever escape route you have built into this place and I end up with nothing" Jim answered.

Ed smirked "Why would I do that? I'm a legitimate businessman, and your clearly here for my superior detective skills." then leaning back against his desk, ankles crossed and arms supporting his weight, he says "I hope you've bought the department's check book, I'm rather expensive"

"I have no time for your bullshit Ed!" Jim snapped in irritation, before continuing somewhat more calmly "Oswald's been kidnapped by Valeska. Where is he"

"Rude." Ed sneered, then waving his hand at Jim he asked "How the hell would I know where the insane clown is?" a look of vexed boredom on his face.

"Not Jeremiah. Oswald." Jim growled in frustration. With a raised eyebrow he asked "Don't you have a tracking device on his phone?"

"Oh. Yeah." Ed answered, brows creased. He quickly stood and walked around his desk to his computer. Absently waving a hand at the stoic detective he muttered "Give me a minute." after a few moments he looked up from his computer in suspicion "How do you know that?"

"Everyone knows that. You've interrupted his last six dates." with a sigh he added "Can you just ask him out already. I'm sick of my officers being called to domestic disturbances at restaurants just because you can't do feelings"

"It wasn't... I don't... It's not... I mean... " Ed stuttered, face red. Eyes narrowing he snarled "Just mind your own business Jim."

Jim rolled his eyes, not threatened in the slightest "Whatever you say Ed"

After a quick search on his computer Ed wrote an address on a piece of paper. Handing it to the detective he said "His GPS last pinged near amusement mile. There's a high probability that Valeska has him stashed somewhere in there where reception is fuzzy"

Jim nodded his thanks and turned to leave. As he reached the door he heard a whispered "Can you let Oswald know I helped?"

Jim let out a brief laugh, shaking his head fondly he answered "Sure thing Ed. I'll let him know."

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