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"Do not belittle me..." The lady in the polka-dotted dress demanded in a harsh, gritted voice.

She tightly gripped the seam of his collar, her face so close to his he could smell the scent of her lavender perfume. Her hot breath brushed against his cheek as she leaned in closer, her mouth to his ear. Her voice was softer, almost gentle.

"For I may not be a man, but I am strong, independent, and fully capable of any job a man can handle."

The woman let go of her hold on the man, he fell to the ground and stumbled to regain his balance. She turned her face towards the bewildered crowd, growing by the second. Soon she was surrounded by at least 100 innocent eyes. Her lips curled up and she smiled.

"We deserve the right to vote! We deserve our right of speech! We should be able to obtain a job, any of our liking!" She stopped and peered towards the officer that had tried to contain her. "We will fight for our rights! WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS!" The women chanted.

There came a roar among the crowd. Other women had stepped forward to the front and joined in on the chanting. Women and children were now causing a commotion, even some agreeing men joined in.

The woman in the polka-dotted dress was proud of what she had accomplished. She stood front and center among the chanting people. A horrific, ear piercing bang made the crowd disperse in multiple directions. The woman lay motionless on the cobblestone street, face to the ground. Her polka-dotted dress now stained with blood...

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