The letter

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Kiara's POV
My hands trembled as I read the letter. Why? 'We're acting like we're comforting each other
But it's mixed with thorns
I can't keep leading you on with the image of my fake smile' I thought he was getting better. I thought..I thought we were finally happy. But, it was all a lie. I looked up at Yoongi.  He had his mint hair covering over his teary eyes. "Yoongi....why? We are best friends. Why would you hide this? From me? I thought we told each other everything. EVERYTHING!" My voice raised and cracked with emotion. Tears flooded my chocolate colored orbs as I stared at him. He slightly flinches as the emotion in my voice showed. But still kept his gaze glued to the floor. I crumpled up the letter and threw it across the room. I grabbed his face and made him look into my eyes. "Why..? Why would you..try to leave me? Am, am I not good enough to stick around?" My lips trembled and tears ran down my face. He shook his head without hesitation and took in a sharp breath. He grabbed me and wrapped his thin arms around my frame. Holding me tightly while quietly sobbing. "No. Never. It's. It's just...I can't burden you. I don't want you to be involved in my issues. But I'm so tired. I'm so so tired. Tired of failing. Tired of smiling. Tired of living. I'm sorry." His sobs increased and I held him tighter. I pulled away and grabbed his face, kissing away the tears off of his pale, puffy, and Rosy cheeks. I muster up a smile and hold my pinkie out. "Let's promise that we will save each other. Save each other from our sorrows and burdens. Pinkie promise me, Yoongi." He looked up at me with his doe eyes and nodded, slowly bringing his pinkie to tangle with mine. "Promise"


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