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The curly brunette girl sat in the booth with her head in her hands. A look of severe embarrassment painted her face. "Leala. Macaylah. Rodriguez . Stop being such Kpop trash and be quiet. You don't know if that was really them. You could have been hallucinating." The curly haired girl hissed at her Mexican friend, a dark scowl on her normally smiley face. Her best friend still smiling and holding her chubby cheeks. " Kiara. Dawnyelle. Swainy. I promise you!!! That was Kookie and Jin!!! Our ultimate bias wreckers!!! " The Mexican persisted with her claim of seeing the eldest and maknae in the small Korean restaurant they went to for lunch that day.  Kiara scoffed at the happy Mexican jumping bean and sighed " How the heck do you know? And why would they be here? We came here lunch for our vacation. We'll see them in concert tomorrow. Don't let seeing all the Korean men mess with your eyes." She gave a blank face at the dark haired girl. Clearly not believing her. " Dude. I can tell them apart by their knee caps. KNEE CAPS. And besides. This is kinda near the arena. It's not THAT impossible. Besides. WoulDnt tHat Be AweSome? Us? Small town American girls? Seeing the gods know  as Kim Seokjin and Jeon Jungkook? In a restaurant? This is a fan fiction in the making!! I'm writing it when we get home!!" The chubby girl squealed with joy. Causing their fellow customers to give her a weird look. Kiara immediately shushed the Mexican by putting her hand over the girls mouth. " Hush it!!! We look like freaks!!" She scolded her elder who was really a child. The dark haired girl just giggled and covered her mouth. She began to whisper all of the details of her new fan fiction to Kiara. Making the girl give an exasperated sigh at the fangirl's weird yet clever ideas. Just as Kiara was about to tell the girl in front of her to can it, two tall figures walked towards them. Shutting the Mexican right up. The most built one sat besides Kiara. Meanwhile the tallest whose shoulders were wider than the Ohio River sat next to Macaylah. The two girls gave each other a look of panic. They had no idea what to do. Both men, which had masks, pulled them off and revealed themselves. Only to behold Kim Seokjin and Jeon Jungkook. Members of BTS. Kiara had a look of pure shock, meanwhile Macaylah looked like she was about to pass out right then and there. You could say they were Jungshook. Kiara turned to her bias wrecker with wide eyes. He smiled at her and she smiled back. Jin started up conversation to the two girls with broken English. " You know BTS?" He said in his cute accent. Both girls excitedly shook their heads very quickly, still star struck. Jin smiled and continued with " You know...annyeonghaseyo? " Both girls shook their heads. Jungkook immediately began to grab the attention of the the dimpled girl and began to speak with her. He began to ask questions about her life and her hobbies. Of course Kiara told him that she loved their music and how she was a book worm as well as a musician. Jungkook became intrigued and they began to talk about songs and memes. The two really clicked. Sharing their passion for music and the ultimate meme culture of tiktok. Meanwhile Jin and Macaylah were laughing their butts off at each other's dad jokes. To say the least, they all had such a good time. After talking to each other for hours they all exchanged numbers on napkins. But Jungkook was a little...extra...

Have a safe night, my dear dimpled cutie~~~

~~~Your Justin Seagull~~~~

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