the choices part 1

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I had loved you since then, I gave everything that i have. I have offered so many things just for you to notice my sincere feelings that I have. I've been longing for your touches and kisses, but you gave me nothing but pain and heartaches making feel numb at all of this lies that have given me hopes that someday you will look at me the way I looked at you.

I have been a fool a long time ago, I gave you my whole just to make you see how dear you are to me.

But you used me....

You gave me false hope....

You made me feel like I was nothing....

But now, I know what you are. And I was not my old self anymore. I pitied my old self who relies her happiness to that one girl. Who doesn't love her back.

Wendy loves Irene dearly, she loves the girl more than anything...she gave her everything that she had. She makes sure that Irene won't feel unloved.

But Irene didn't looked at her that much, the older girl has been so focused on watching someone else from afar. She was busy loving someone who doesn't love her back they are both a fool.

For Irene, Wendy was nice and a caring dongsaeng. She likes her not because she has a feelings for her or something. She likes Wendy because she's kind and smart, and Wendy takes care of her. She wasn't aware that the older girl was in love with her she was too dense to notice her.

Wendy and Irene became friends since they are in their sophomore year, at that time they were inseparable with each other. But then Irene met someone new, a girl named Jennie.

And started that day Irene forgot Wendy, the girl became invisible when the two other girls are together.

At first Wendy felt sad and jealous of the two girls closeness.

But then many years later Wendy have finally decided to just ignore them and walked away from them.

She made a new friends with some students but still her feelings for irene are still lingering on her poor heart.

"Hey Seungwan are you okay?" Asked her friend Seulgi.

"Yeah I'm fine." Wendy said and gave her a small smile.

Still faking herself that she was okay, and her heart was not bleeding.

"You are clearly okay, yeah totally." Joy said sarcastically at her.

The younger girl shakes her head and continue reading her book.

" know that you can tell me anything right?" Seulgi said and caressed Wendy's cheeks.

Wendy just smiled.

"I know. Thank Seulgi." Wendy said.

Seulgi smiled at her warmly.

"Your welcome." Seulgi said sincerely. And take a look on Wend, who was now staring at her first love Irene.

She sighed sadly.

'Poor Wendy, if you just looked around and notice me then maybe you will not be this so sad.' seulgi thought as she was staring at Wendy.

Irene have longed forgotten already about Wendy's presence because she was busy looking and following Jennie.

The girl was the complete opposite of Wendy, Jennie was more a kind of a social butterfly and more outgoing person.

While Seungwan was living around books and she finds fun to do which is boring for some people.

Irene likes Jennie a lot.

She already confessed the other girl but then she was left unanswered by the girl. But still they are acting like a couple, and that makes her frustrated and confused.

Irene was now with Jennie at their campus walking around the hallway while talking with their friends.

When Irene saw a familiar figure walking on the locker room in front of them.

She saw Wendy was talking with Seulgi and a girl who was smiling at Wendy.

She frowned a little as she saw how the girl looked at Wendy.

That made her, didn't hear Jennie who was already calling her.


"Irene are you even listening to us?" Jennie said and frown at Irene who look bewildered.

"Hmm, you're saying something?" Irene asked.

Jennie sighed.

"Forget about it." Jennie said.

Irene nodded and looked again on Seungwan's direction together with that unknown girl who was talking at Wendy.

'why am I feeling this odd feelings?' Irene asked herself and touched her aching chest.

She felt something on her chest. And she frowned as the picture of Wendy and that girl smiling with each other was imprinted to her mind.

That she can see anywhere she take a look at.

Irene shake her head.

'i think I am going crazy.' Irene said to herself.

She run towards where Jennie is, and then Jennie wrapped her arms At Irene's shoulder and they now began to walk.

On the other side of a story Wendy and Seulgi are talking happily, when a girl suddenly appears and smiled at Wendy.

"Wendy where should we go?"Seulgi asked her friend.

"Seulgi let's just go to the library and read books!" Wendy said excitedly.

They we're about to go when suddenly a girl speak at them.

"Wendy-ssi!" The girl said.

Making Seulgi and Wendy turn to look who it was.

As they turn their head to her direction. They saw Jisoo walking towards them and gave them a smile.

Which made the two friends looked at each other..

"Oh? Jisoo-ssi what is it?" Wendy asked.

The other girl shyly smiled at her while rubbing her neck due to nervousness.

"I-I ugh... Wendy-ssi can I take you to a date?" Jisoo said nervously. Making wendy shock even Seulgi was taken aback by Jisoo's question.

But then Seulgi can't help but to feel uneasy and Jealous at Jisoo because she has a feelings over Wendy.

She wants to say to Jisoo that she doesn't like it and she wants to say no.

But who is she right? She is just her friend.

So she just looked at them while containing herself not to explode.

Jisoo just smile at Wendy while the other girl was just looking at her.

"Jisoo-ssi I'm afraid I can't.." Wendy said sadly making Jisoo disappointed a little.

"Is that maybe next time can you?" Jisoo said with pleading eyes.

Wendy smiled politely and nods.

"Yeah maybe next time Jisoo-ssi." She said and by that Jisoo smiled. And that smile reminds her of someone she knew.

'Irene...' Wendy thought.

Her heart skipped a bit a she was staring at Jisoo's happy and excited face.

"Thanks Wendy!" Jisoo said excitedly and hugged the girl.

Jisoo was now hugging the girl, and Seulgi has this unreasonable face while Wendy was still shock and frozen on her spot.

And by that Wendy noticed someone she knew was looking at her or staring at them, and that was Irene who was frowning at the sight she saw.

'is she staring at me?' Wendy asked herself as she unknowingly hug Jisoo back.

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