Sal's pain

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it was about 3 AM. Sal was laying wide awake, he couldn't sleep. he just couldn't he was in too much pain. he reached for his walkie talkie, but stopped. he rolled over and looked at the person who was snoring behind him. the arms held him tightly, protectively. it was Larry his bestfriend, his boyfriend. Larry looked peaceful and happy. the bags under his eye's that had formed over the previous nearly seven months, were disappearing. he looked over Larry's face, watching him. he reached over and gently reached rubbing his hand over his cheek gently. a small smile came across Larry's face and he nuzzled closer. Sal sighed slightly, then winced rolling over slightly. the movement woke Larry.

"Sal? are you okay?" Larry muttered tiredly.

"yeah just in pain." Sal replied.

"am I holding you too tight? did I bother your stitches?" Larry ask sitting up to turn on the lamp on Sal's nightstand.

"no, it just hurts." Sal muttered. Larry reluctantly let him go, looking at his bruised and freshly scarred face. he stared at him a moment then looked away.

"I'm sorry." Larry said getting up. of course he was sorry. he'd been driving. he also hadn't been hurt like Sal had. they'd been t'boned while out joy riding. Larry was the only one old enough to drive, even if he didn't have a license. they never even saw the other car coming. the other car ran a red light. Larry could still remember the smell of blood and burning metal, the sound of Sal's original scream for him to watch out as the car was only a foot away. he could still remember being knocked out on the window and when he woke up, he looked at Sal. he'd been horrified to see Sal's body lay lifeless. his mask had been shattered and pieces stuck into both of their faces. metal and glass from the car was splintered into Sal's body and his own. the door was crushed in on Sal. there was blood pouring from several parts of his body. Larry could remember the searing pain in his body as he'd reached for Sal, but found himself unable to move and unable to scream for help. it had taken them three hours to free both him and Sal. Larry shook his head, wincing as it hurt his neck.

"it wasn't your fault Larry." Sal muttered softly. "accidents happen." Sal added.

"but I broke your mask." Larry replied. Sal gave a small chuckle.

"shattered it actually, but it wasn't you Larry. we had a green light. he ran the red light. besides, the money from the lawsuit paid the bills, bought you a car, replace the car we borrowed, and we still got to help Addison with his tea business." Sal replied. "besides, I was growing out of that mask. I've got a bigger one now." Sal added.

"I always promised I wouldn't let you get hurt." Larry muttered, pulling him closer.

"you didn't let it happen Larry. we both got the shit knocked out of us. your head went through the window Larry. there's nothing you could've done. you almost lost an eye trying to get to me. glass slashed your throat Larry, you almost died." Sal stated. Larry sighed and hugged him tighter.

"I saw you limp in that seat... I thought you were dead. you wouldn't move and I couldn't speak to say your name. I tried but I couldn't say anything and I couldn't reach you." Larry muttered. Larry held him tighter taking in a shaky breath. Sal hugged Larry as tightly as he could. he didn't want to see Larry cry again. it had been a terrifying thing the first time. Larry was strong and brave and Sal wasn't worth being cried over.

"I'm okay now. it's fine." Sal murmured. Larry kissed his forehead, pulling Sal to his chest.

"so you're not in pain?" Larry ask.

"nah, if anything I'm afraid." Sal muttered. damn he wished he could keep his mouth shut.

"afraid?" Larry ask. "of what?" Larry ask.

"a lot at this point." Sal muttered. "cars, going to school, sleep." Sal listed.

"sleep?" Larry ask. Sal closed his eye's and held him tightly.

"all I can see... is that car come flying at us, the squealing tires." Sal muttered. "I feel the pain of the door crushing against my side. the sound my head made hitting the window. I think I even screamed... I can't really remember though." Sal sighed. he held tightly to Larry's shirt.

"you did, you told me to watch out." Larry murmured, kissing his forehead.

"sorry. I know you probably have the same nightmares or something. I'm sorry." Sal muttered.

"no it's alright Sally. nightmares happen." Larry murmured.

"no it's not. the worst part.... when I woke up... in that car... with blood everywhere." Sal paused a moment, pulling Larry closer. "I thought you were dead when I saw your neck. it looked really bad. I didn't think I could live without you." Sal muttered, trying not to break down and sob. Larry could hear the hitch in his breath and nuzzled his face into his hair.

"I'm sorry Sal, but you know I'd never leave you like that. not to mention the fact if I died before my mom, she'd beat the shit out of my ghost." Larry joked. Sal gave a slight smile and cuddled closer.

"I'm sorry I woke you up Larry." Sal muttered, face buried in Larry's shirt.

"you know you don't have to say sorry for that. I'll wake up anytime you need me too." Larry murmured.

"but we have school in the morning and it's almost 4:30 AM." Sal muttered.

"I already told you Sal, I don't mind." Larry murmured. "besides Ashley didn't have a ride to the hospital so she'll be excited to see you at school later." Larry added. Sal flinched.

"I don't want to go back." Sal muttered, holding onto Larry's shirt.

"hey don't worry about it okay? remember we both have new scars. besides at least you can cover yours with a mask." Larry smiled slightly. Sal curled up and sighed.

"okay." Sal muttered. "thanks. I love you." Sal murmured. Larry smiled, Sal didn't say those words often.

"love you too Sally." Larry smiled. they cuddled together falling asleep.

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