It's been a yeer
A yeer since fin and mile brokup
"Hey bitch" jakub yelled to great mile
"So meen" milli cryed
"Bye" jakib left
Milly wuz sad,
It was 2019 fin was 16 millie wus almost 15 Jakub wus also 16
Saddy waked in
"Milay whats rong" she asked the sobing gurl
"It's Jakob... he's aboosiv.."
Saide huged her frand
"I hav an idea to halp u"
"Wut" milli ask
"We will set u op with fin!!!!1" sadie suggested
"Bot fin brake my hart" milly sobbed
"We will fix it" saide comfortad
Last tyme fin and mile dated fin was almsot gey with jak and milly forgut she was with jakub
Bot this time wil be su differant! Yay!
Fillie ~ A lifetime
HumorMillie & Finn r trye lov ❤️❤️❤️ Covr byy @maxinesmayfieIds