Chapter Three:Love and ice cream:Lilac's point of view

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IMPORTANT NOTE: I decided that Sasha came to the school a month before the story starts, I just think it will make more sense. Thank you! -Delaney

"H-Hey! I'm Lilac!" I say very nervously and Sasha stumbles back a bit,"Oh god, did I scare you?? I'm so sorry, I-" I get cut off by Sasha giggling, "It's completely fine! I didn't notice anyone was in here so I got a little startled" says Sasha w...

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"H-Hey! I'm Lilac!" I say very nervously and Sasha stumbles back a bit,"Oh god, did I scare you?? I'm so sorry, I-" I get cut off by Sasha giggling, "It's completely fine! I didn't notice anyone was in here so I got a little startled" says Sasha with a sweet smile on her face "I'm so sorry again" "Don't be! It's fine, oh! Where are my manners?" Sasha stops to giggle a bit, "I'm Sasha, I'm new and I come from Japan, so I'm sorry if my English is a bit rough" Says Sasha sweetly, and she shakes my hand. "N-Nice to meet you Sasha, I'm Lilac...Oh I already told you that.." I laugh awkwardly and Sasha giggles. "Well, would you like to join me? I was just going to start drawing, but we can chit chat and get to know each other better!" Says Sasha with the cutest smile on her face, it melts my heart. "Oh, of course!" I say, I'm so excited, I get to hang out with Sasha! Finally!! Sasha sits down and starts to draw a circle in her note book, then she turns it into a face, then draws the rest of the body, then she looks up a couple of times, and starts drawing the facial details "Sooo..whatcha drawing?" I ask nervously, I don't exactly why I'm nervous, probably just butterflies in my stomach. "Oh! This might be silly, but it's a tradition of mine that whenever I meet someone, I draw that person as a gift! All of my friends back in Japan loved it, so I figured that I would keep the tradition going here! So don't mind if I look at you randomly when we are talking, I'm just trying to get your facial details and whatever its called, sorry I'm rambling." Sasha giggles and kind of blushes, and that makes my face become a tomato. "Aww! I think that's cute of you to do that!" I say, wait a sec, did I just call her cute??? "Oh ありがとうございました!(Oh thank you!)" says Sasha with a sweet smile, I give Sasha a confused look, "Oops! I said thank you" she giggles and we start talking about things, like what's your favorite food, and hobbies, thing like that, until suddenly, we hear the library door slam open.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Screams Alice, Sasha is scared, and puts her hands up to her face. This would be my chance to protect her! "Um, Excuse me, what is this all about?" I ask very rudely to Alice, but I don't care. "WHY ARE YOU HANGING OUT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?!?!" Alice screams at the top of her lungs, "I don't recall such a thing as being in a relationship, I don't even think I've ever seen you before." Says Sasha very innocently, and kind of quiet, but loud enough to enrage Alice. Alice screams at the top of her lungs and storms out of the library. "Well, I don't think the library is the best place to hang out anymore" I say kind of laughing to Sasha, "Yes, maybe there's a different place around the school?" Say Sasha "Nope, this is the only place that's open after school hours. But hey! Maybe we can go get ice cream?" I say confidently, I was out of the awkward stage at this point. "That sounds wonderful!" Says Sasha excitedly, "Hmm..let me see if my friend can drive us there," I pull out my phone to check Evan's location for his phone, and it looked like he was already home. "Damn, well, do you want to walk? There's a ice cream place like 8 minutes away" "Sure!" Says Sasha excitedly, I swear, seeing her smile warms my heart so much, she makes me so happy, and it feels like we've known each other for forever, but I don't want to take things too fast, but not to slow, because there's no way I'm letting Alice get in between us.

We get to the ice cream place and Sasha order's Strawberry ice cream in a cake cone with sprinkles, and I ordered cookies & cream in a cup. "That will be $7.25 please" says the cashier, and Sasha digs through her small purse, but I cut her off "I got it, don't worry." I say with a smile as I pull out my wallet, but Sasha grabs my hand out of my wallet, and I think to myself, she's actually holding my hand..."No no! I'll get it, as a thank you for hanging out with me today!" Says Sasha with the money in her hand, but kind of blushing a bit, and slowly lets go of my hand. "Here, let's just split it" I say with a small laugh and rub the back of my neck with defeat of not paying, I wanted to be all romantic, oh well. We find a counter space and sit down and chit chat. "So what grade are you in?" I ask, our school combined all the grades, so for all of the classes you have all kinds of people that are ether a year ahead of you or below you. "I'm in 9th grade! What grade are you in?" She says sweetly, and her cheeks kind of become rosey, is she blushing? I thought to myself. "I'm in 10th grade." I say confidently and with a smile, she seemed to giggle a bit, "Pretty confident now aren't you?" She says with a smile and gazes into my eyes sweetly, or lovingly, I can't really tell, but her cheeks are getting redder and redder by the minute, and so are mine. Thankfully, the only worker left to the back room and closed the door, so now's my chance, but I don't want to be too forward..god."No way, I'm not at all confident, just to the people I think that are cute." I say confidently then I'm shocked in myself, did I really just say that?! Shit, shit, SHIT! Then my thoughts get cut off my the sound of Sasha giggling and blushing, "You think I'm cute?" She says as she covers her mouth from smiling to much, "W-what? I-I mean, um-" "I think your cute to." Says Sasha blushing and smiling, I blush and freeze up, She thinks I'm cute?! WHAT?! "I'm sorry, that was probably kind of forward..I just couldn't help myself, I've liked you ever since I walked into homeroom for the first time..but I didn't know how to approach you since I didn't know if you were LGBTQ+ or not, oh god now I'm rambling, I'm so-" I cut her off with a kiss, and I pulled away after a couple of seconds. I look at her, she's shocked but her face is as red as a tomato, and I whispered, "You talk to much Sasha".

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