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Dumbledore organized a field trip for the entire school in mid-April to study dragon breeding.

"What a waste of time," groaned Dorcas. Gryffindor had their 2nd match (vs Slytherin) the next day.

"Maybe it'll not be a waste of time," said James. Dorcas looked suspiciously at James, and saw that James and Sirius were wearing identical evil grins.

"Have you two planned something?" asked Marlene.


The next day, they set out at 6:30 in the morning. The Heads of Houses were looking after their students.

"I'm hungry," complained the boys after few hours.

"We are not stopping for food today," said Professor McGonagall sternly. "We have a tight schedule."

By afternoon, they were famished.

"Are we serious about not eating anything?"

Professor McGonagall glared at them. "We'll reach there by six or seven. They'll have a huge feast ready for us."

They reached school at ten minutes to seven. Starving, the entire school rushed to the Great Hall.

"Where are James and his friends?" asked Frank suddenly.

"Planning something, no doubt," said Marlene darkly.

The Marauders had sneaked down to the kitchens. Remus and Peter lured the house elves away for a moment. James and Sirius swiftly performed a few spells. Then they went up and joined the Gryffindor table.

The food appeared. There was a scream of shock and horror from the Slytherin table.

The other houses looked around to see what was the matter, all the while stuffing themselves with food.

"Professor!" howled Lucius Malfoy to Slughorn. Slughorn walked to the table.

"What's this?" he demanded.

For on the Slytherin table, there was none of the normal delicious food that had been sent to the other tables—their food was spoilt, greying and depressing.

It took about fifteen minutes for the teachers to straighten the matter. By that time, other houses had already finished eating, and the Slytherins were ravenous and above all, fuming.

"There seems to be some strange mistake by the house elves," said Professor Dumbledore solemnly.

"How did you manage it?" wondered Marlene in the common room later that day.

"You mean to say, Potter and Black did this?" asked Lily dangerously.

"Might be," said James, grinning.

The 'undernourished' Slytherins lost spectacularly to the super energized Gryffindors the next day.

To nobody's surprise, the Marauders were once again celebrities in the school.

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