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It seemed like James and Sirius would never make up again. They wouldn't even look at each other. Remus, after a few futile attempts, gave up trying to be peacemaker, and Peter stuck to James. Sirius started making himself scarce in the dorm and common room. During classes and mealtimes, they sat on either side of Remus.

This went on for nearly a week. Remus wondered what would happen when the full moon of February came. Their efforts on the Marauder's Map had come to a complete standstill.

It happened one evening in mid-February. Professor McGonagall suddenly came in to the common room.

"Everyone will please report to the Great Hall immediately," she said, looking extremely grim.

"Why, Professor?" asked several people.

"You'll find out soon enough. Bring everyone from the dormitory too."

As the Gryffindors trooped towards the Great Hall, they saw the other houses were also going there.

"What happened?"

"Professor Sprout didn't tell us anything!"

"Can you see something out place?"

"Really, the Dark Mark?" shrieked a girl of Hufflepuff.


When the school was assembled in the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall told them that the Dark Mark had been discovered hovering over the Hogwarts castle.

"But what is the Dark mark?" asked Lily, confused.

"It's You Know Who's mark," said Marlene softly. "After he has murdered in a house."

"Please check if all your friends are here," called Professor McGonagall. "If someone's not, report to me immediately. NO ONE WILL LEAVE THE HALL."

James was suddenly thunderstruck. He turned to Remus and said in a horrified whisper, "Sirius."

"Wha—don't be silly," said Remus loudly.

"Where can he be?" asked Peter, suddenly looking scared. Sirius had not been in the common room with them.

James turned and rushed among the hundreds of students for the exit of the Great Hall.

"Potter, where are you going?" shouted Lily. "Professor told us not to leave the hall!"

"Shut up, Evans." James didn't even look at her, and continued running.

Remus followed him.

"Remus—Remus!" screamed Lily. "Where are you going? You're a Prefect! We're needed to be here."

"It's urgent," said Remus shortly.

Out of the hall, Remus saw James glancing around in the completely deserted hallway.

"Where do we look for him, Moony?" asked James, and for the first time that Remus had heard him, he sounded truly frightened.

"We're panicking unnecessarily, James," said Remus firmly. "Why would—how could anyone kill someone at Hogwarts?"

"It's not like that has never happened before," said James quietly. "He has got so many enemies—his own family, and the Slytherins..."

"Prongs, no, he's all right—just somewhere around..."

"Oh, I wish..." But James couldn't finish the sentence, as his voice suddenly choked. "You check the left half of the castle. I'll do the right."

If Remus did think this was pointless, it couldn't be denied that he left at once.

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