Chapter Sixteen

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  • Dedicated to All you amazing readers! <3

Yay! Another update for you all!

But guess what.

It's the last. :O

Yeah, when I said last chapter that there was maybe five left, I was really off. Oh well. But there will be an epilogue to this and I've got it all planned out, you guys will love it *devilish grin*

So, since this is the grande finale and all, I just want to say somethings.

I've had so much fun writing this whole book, even if I was an awful updater (still really sorry) and in actually really sad that it's ending :( I am writing another GaLe fan fiction though and I may or may not have a sequel in the making process for this book :) I'll keep you guys posted!

I want to dedicate this chapter to everyone who has stuck with me through all my extremely late updates and who has been with me from the beginning to the very end. And if you're a reader who just found this book, I also dedicate this chapter to you for giving my writing a shot. Thank you guys for everything :)

Enjoy the final chapter.

Word Count - 2157


P.O.V. Levy

The hard part was over.

Gajeel and I left the dark guild along with Memphis out cold behind us after saying our farewells to Luca and Cohen. They told us that they plan to go travel around some, trying and get stronger and to learn some more things having been cooped up in that guild for five years of their lives.

We also checked into the hospital for a couple days to try and help heal our wounds and cuts, along with seeing Lily who was again able to use his magic at will.

After those days in the hospital and have recovered significantly with the help of the medicines and resources they have there, we were finally able to walk around the town but not leave yet due to the fact we still need more medical attention before we set out back to Magnolia.

So we both decided on going over to Helen's place and returning her necklace.

And that's where we are now.


Knock knock.

"Who is it?" A familiar faint voice called from inside.

"Gajeel and Levy," I said.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I heard shuffling footsteps inside racing to the door, until they stop and the door swung open to reveal Helen standing with tears in her eyes.

"You're back!" she cried, immediately wrapping her frail arms around my waist. "I was so worried! Are you guys okay?"

I laughed, rubbing her back gently. "We're fine now, don't worry. Can we come in?"

She nodded, releasing me from her hug and walking back into her house as we all trailed behind, taking a seat once again in her living. Same places as before.

I feel as though when I told Gajeel I loved him a couple days ago, I weight was lifted off my chest. I felt so happy that he felt the same way to. But he's acting almost as if it had never even happened.

I stared down at my hands resting on my lap, twiddling my fingers together and trying to not notice how close I was sitting next to Gajeel on the love seat.

"I'm so happy to see you two back here!" Helen said, breaking the silence. "I'm guessing you got the necklace?"

"Yeah, right here," Gajeel said, holding up the golden chain.

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