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Her face stiffens as the pungent taste of lead fills her mouth, allowing the injurious smoke to fill her lungs. She deeply exhales the fumes, surrounding herself with the foul stench of tar. As head of the school council it's my job to cease all prohibited activity, though that job would be much easier if I could approach people like this.
Swallowing my fear down to my gut I advance toward the strange girl.
Head high, back straight, steady footsteps, don't back down.

Several feet away is when she notices my presence, turning her head, then body, to face me. She takes a slow puff from her cancer stick, looking me dead in the eye as if to taunt me.
I speak up first, "Miss please put that out and come with me to the principals office." "Why should I?" She scoffs, blowing a thick layer of smoke in my face, a sly smirk plastered on her own. I cough, waving my hand hastily in front of myself.
"Cigarettes are prohibited on school grounds, as head of the student council I..." "You'll what? Huh love? What're you gonna do?"
Her face comes dangerously close to mine, provoking me, were as my face becomes increasingly hot.
The rage inside me boils and I become flushed, red faced in both anger and embarrassment. "I...I...I'm reporting you to the principal!" And with that I storm off a flushed mess. I march to the principals office until I realise something.

I don't even know her name.

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