Chapter 2

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Instinctively I jolt back. 'Shit shit shit shit.' I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Upon hearing her chuckle I hesitantly look up to see who's breasts my face was practically engulfed in. 'It's her, of course, I'm far too lucky for it to be some stranger. Note my sarcasm.'
I look up to see none other than the vile girl I caught smoking last week.

"My my miss school president, so forward, and here I was thinking I'd be the one to make the first move." She smirks down at me, that wicked, condescending smirk. " wasn't on purpose!" This girl, I mustn't let her keep getting under my skin.
"Chill out doll face, I'm just teasing."
"Who are you calling doll face?!" Dear god I squeaked, I squeaked didn't I?
She laughs, "You of course." She boops my nose, causing me to jerk away from her touch. I swat her hand away. "Fuck off." I mutter.

I decide to cut this short, knowing there's no having a civilised conversation with this girl. "Aw come on, don't be like that!" She calls out to me, but I refuse to turn back. I expect her to give up, she doesn't. I hear footsteps closing in, the unsettling feeling of someone following me. 'I have no choice.' I turn around, "What do you want?!" She stands there, hands up in mock surrender, with a huge smile on her face. "I didn't catch your name miss president."
She says so innocently, like she wasn't just mercilessly teasing me. I sigh, "Marine Thompson, there are you happy?!" "Very." There's that smirk again, looking at me as if my answer is the punchline to some sick inside joke.

She saunters toward me, before leaning in close. "Guess we'll be seeing each other real soon, Marine."
The way she whispers my name in my ear sends a chill down my spine.
She strolls away, giving me an apathetic back hand wave, then disappearing around a bend.
Her words echo in my mind.

"Guess we'll be seeing each other real soon."

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