Chapter 3

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I sigh as I drag myself through my front door. Once stepping inside I'm immediately greeted by my bright-eyed mother. "Your home! Come, we have guests." Without waiting for a reply I'm stood before three strangers seated on the couch. My dad is first to speak. "Marine meet Mr and Mrs King, and their son Dylan." He gestures to each individually.
I smile and take a seat across from them, "It's very nice to meet you." Smiling, it's Mrs King who replies, "Lovely to meet you too Dear, your parents have told us so much about you ." "Good things I hope," I giggle.
We share in a laugh. I hate this.

"Marine why don't you and Dylan go get to know each other?" My mother suggests...more like demands. 'What's she playing at?' "Okay mother, Dylan?" I reply reluctantly before offering a hand to the young man.
Going to leave the room my dad pulls me aside, speaking to me in a hushed tone, "The King family is very wealthy and respected, this young man would make for the perfect husband, so don't mess this up." He smiles and pats my head before returning to our guests.

'HUSBAND?! No! No this can't be happening, it can't...I won't!" I feel tears brimming the corners of my eyes. 'Marine no, calm down, you'll deal with this later, for now you just need to get through this afternoon.' I wipe my face and regain my composure, before joining Dylan in the adjacent hall.

Walking toward him I use the time to take in his appearance, brown eyes, dark brown hair - inching into black, slim slightly muscular build, and being about a foot taller than me he towers over my small figure. 'Hmm he reminds me of someone.'
Well he's pretty cute, but not exactly my...let's say type. 'My type?' Suddenly images of the mysterious girl pop into my head. 'Wait what? What's wrong with me?'
My face heats up and I shake my head. "Hey umm, are you okay?" 'Shit I forgot about him' "Oh yes I'm fine, wanna uh head up to my room?" He smiles brightly, "Of course, lead the way."

I grudgingly open my bedroom door, letting the young man in. Once inside he sits on my bed, making himself comfortable, uninvitedly I might add. "So Marnie what grade are you in this year?" 'Why must Dad put me through this torture?' "Eleventh" I lethargically answer, sitting on my bed beside him.
"Oh so that would make you...seventeen?" "Yep."

The idle chit chat continues for some time, that is until he says something especially cringeworthy. "You have the most beautiful green eyes." To follow his words he tucks a lock of my dirty-blonde hair behind my ear. I flinch at his touch, his rough, dry hands causing me to shy away from him. To my luck before I can answer I hear the loud toll of the door bell. 'Heh saved by the bell, literally.'
"I'll get it!" I scamper to the front door, happy to be away from that situation.

Swinging open the front open I'm met with a familiar face, it's her. 'God dammit how many times must I see her in one day?!' Readying myself to yell at her I'm interrupted by the voice of Mrs King. "Ashley! I told you don't bother showing up at all if your gonna be late!"
Ashley steps in and opens her mouth to speak but is quickly interrupted also, but this time by my mother. "Nonsense, we don't mind, come in Love, it's a pleasure to meet you." She makes her way inside and I stand, confused and dumbfounded.

She approaches Mrs King before putting on an, obvious, fake pout, "Sorry Mom, I had to take care of." Her mother just scoffs, but upon the word business Ashley glances in my direction, and there it is,

that fucking smirk.

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