Chapter 13 Draco is in the hospital

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It January 10

Hermione Ginny Harry Ron Luna Nevlile Draco Pansy and Blaise are at the Quidditch match and also with Rosalee Tess Josh Jess there is a match between Slytherin and Gryffindor so it hard for Hermione to choose for.

"  Lady and Gentleman who is ready for a Quidditch match?" A man Voice said everyone scream so loud " Gryffindor vs slytherin are Gryffindor captain  is the famous Harry Potter." Everyone scream loud  Hermione was wondering if someone will cheer for Draco Malfoy yes he was a death eater(ex death eater) but people did see him change a lot because he have a soft heart in side. "  Slytherin captain is Draco Malfoy." Hermione cheer for Draco includes her friend too. Draco look at Hermione with his famous Malfoy smirk  and turn see his mother and father smile. Harry look at Draco and said

" I go easy on you , again this is just a game." Before Draco could said something he heard " Let the game begin ." Then the whistle blew the game just starting Draco and Harry look each other and pretend to hate each for the game we all know the are good mate. " All lord it so far Gryffindor have 20 points and slytherin have 19 points if slytherin just have more points to go slytherin will win the match." Hermione was going insane she what her best friend to win but she also what her boyfriend to win to Ginny took Hermione hand and squeeze it. Harry was going to lose it he tired of win all the time he saw Draco frusterated Harry though in he head he what Draco to win then his though went a way " Oh no Draco got hurt." everyone gasp Harry land down and run to Draco laying on the ground hurt, Hermione run so fast fell on the ground next to Draco it look like she cry soon headmaster come over told everyone to get back so she can take him to the hospital.

five hour

Draco laying on the hospital bed sleeping. Hermione hold Draco hand and kiss it.

" Hermione dear you should eat. " Narcissa said put her hand on Hermione shoulder she look at Narcissa and noded Hermione hug her before she with to the great hall .

" I watch Draco if he wake up my dear I tell him you have to eat." Narcissa said.

At the Great Hall

" Hermione!" Ginny said hug her " How Draco is he ok ."

Hermione didn't what to talk so she noded like she don't know she sit next to Ginny who put her arm around her know that Draco will be ok.

At the hospital

Draco still sleeping  his mother sit next to the bed she hold his hand. Lucius come in very piss off look like he was going to kill someone

Back at Lucius office /home

Lucius was look for some thing he know he should be at the hospital with this wife for Draco then his though with away with someone walk in.

"Lucius Malfoy now I know you think thing have change but why in earth you let your son dating a mudblood for snake my daughter is in deed and good for your son not that filthy mudblood." Mr.Greengrass said

" How dare you come here and talk bad on my son how dare you call Hermione mud blood and how dare you come walk in and said I have not change at all you can take your filthy ch@p with you and your daughter by at it ." Lucius snap and slap Mr. Greengrass in the face and said " Get the hell out of my house now." So Greengrass did what Malfoy said.

Back at the hospital

"Dear what wrong Lucius. " His wife said who hug him.

" It nothing I tell you later how Draco is he woke up and where Hermione I though she be here. "  Lucius said look at his wife

" I told her to eat and no he have not woke up yet." Narcissa said

Draco Dream

"Daddy daddy." boy crying his father pick him up and smile at him

" yes my son ." Draco said hug his boy

" When can I see mommy and my new baby sister." The boy said

" Soon Scorpius." Draco said to his son

Later then Draco and his son with to the hospital room saw his wife Hermione hold his new born baby girl name Jean who happy and ever then the dream fadedaway.

Draco woke up and saw his mother and father in the room look at him happy that he a wake but he don't see Hermione where is she and hold on where at earth am I he look around and realize he's at a school hospital.

Back at the Great Hall

Hermione look so upset Tess come up with Josh.

" Hey Mione are you ok." Tess said hug Hermione

"yea I ok I going to check on Draco " she said when she got up she run in to Greengrass she did not care to said a word to her she kept on walking will she head to the hospital she look up and saw Draco a wake she run and hug Draco who  put his arm around her like he never what to let go of her.

"Draco I be worried about you." Hermione said putting away Draco strong arms.

" Now should you are ."Draco said joking Hermione playing slap his arm and laugh Narcissa smile " Well it see you are ok my dear I think me and your father should head home Hermione my dear take care of him if he get in more trouble you know what to do. " Hermione and Narcissa laugh so hard.

Hermione was glad she was a lone with Draco. Draco toke a long breath and let it out look at his Hermione " Mione are you ok you look so upset my love." Hermione shot Draco a look like what you think "Draco you be a sleep for the pass six hour do you remember what happen you got hit at the Quidditch match and if you ask who won no one won the game got cancelled headmaster though it be the best. " Hermione said upset and mad at the sometime.Draco in the hand just was worried for her.

Next day

Hermione woke up in Draco arm is the hospital she look at Draco who peace a sleep she smile to her self. Harry Ginny Pansy and Blaise come in if you ask where is Ron he is somewhere kiss his girlfriend. 

" Oh look at this Pan is this just cute."Blaise said to his girlfriend who look at Draco and Mione sleeping on the hospital bed together.

Draco woke up he heard that " Piss off Blaise I heard that in my sleep." everyone laughing Hermione got up and hug Ginny and Pansy.

The nurse let Draco go from the wings. He put his arm around Hermione waist who lay her head on his shoulder walk to Hagrid place

At Hagrid

Draco was siting on the chair look at Hagrid who give Draco hot chocolate . Draco have that dream again that him his son with this wife and his new born baby girl he didn't told Hermione this yet he what to but he really don't know if Hermione what kids Draco who what kids some day. His though went away.

" Draco are you ok." Hermione said put are hand on his Draco look up at her and realize where he was.

" Yes my love and Hagrid  thank you for the hot chocolate." He said Hagrid smile said " your welcome Draco. "

later on Draco and Hermione left Hagrid head back to the room Draco look so upset he don't know why is it because his dream he look at Hermione and said " Hermione" "yes Draco." Draco don't know what to said so he said it " Hermione Granger will you marry me."


sorry I have not wrote the chapter yet I be read on Dramione story it 4:27 a.m so I going to bed .

what you think Hermione will said do you think she what kids too I will try by best on the next chapter soon



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