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Chanyeol's POV:

It was morning and I had woken up to multiple vibrations coming from my phone. I groaned in exhaustion as I reached over to grab my phone of which I had gotten.

I looked at my phone and instantly widened my eyes.

'New message from Sehun.Byun on Instagram.'

I quickly opened the message and was astonished by what it had held within it.

"Hey Chanyeol. Sorry for leaving you yesterday, but I was wondering if you would wanna be friends? I know it's kind of stupid to be asking such a rhetorical question but yeah. Bye bye!"

I smiled as I closed my phone.

'Maybe becoming friends can help me get closer to Baekhyun.'

I got up from bed completely and headed towards the restroom to get ready for the supposedly crazy day today.


I arrived at school with a smile plastered onto my face which made me receive looks as I passed by.

"Why is he smiling? He never smiles."

"Is he dating someone? OMG he is!!!! Omg BamBam and I finally have something to gossip about!!"

I pushed away all those things being said for later and headed towards my home room where I would see Sehun and Baekhyun.

I didn't intentionally want to use Sehun, but I just wanna see how things will go first. Baekhyun and I promised to each other when we were younger that we would marry each other. I hope he kept his side of the promise.

I walked into class with the smile no longer plastered on my face as I sat down next to Sehun.

But then I realized something....

"Was Sehun always this good looking up close?"

Suddenly, the teacher walked in and I had to get back to my seat. But then something happened that kept me stuck into the vacant seat.

Sehun grabbed my hand. I tried pulling back, but he was really strong. I looked down at his arms and saw how muscular he really was.

"Wow. He has nice, muscular arms. Especially for a 'nerd.'"

I pulled back my arm even harder to not get in trouble but Sehun kept me in place. I gave up and just decided to sit down next to him and continue to listen to the lecture.

Instead of looking at the board, I was looking at Sehun, then Baekhyun. Then back to Sehun, then to Baekhyun again.

"Why are they standing out today?"

Nerd // ChanhunWhere stories live. Discover now