Chapter One

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Arceus POV

Red eyes gazed at all those who dare look at him. Golden hair, a black jacket with red spikes, and a physique that would make Machamp look like a Snorlax, it was Giratina. Arceus knew they were supposed to be sworn enemies, but over the years they had been in the same class repeatedly, they had become best of friends.

Narrator POV

Pokémon High wasn't all that you would expect. It wasn't a normal school, learning boring things like Algebra and Poetry, it was a home for many people, for years to come. They learned skills they would use in the real world, mastering powers to the point of excellency, skillfully wielding weapons that they would see in the hands of the evil— Team Anarchy.

Team Anarchy was a gang that hung around the school grounds, formed of mostly Dark and Ghost types. The students at Pokemon High were taught to avoid them at all costs, and try not to provoke them. However, many innocent Pokemon had been wounded and even killed by the likes of Houndoom and Mightyena.

Giratina POV

"GIRATINA! COME TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!" yelled an unfamiliar green Pokémon next to him.

"Shaymin, you changed form!" Giratina said, putting on a smile. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Arceus with her blue headphones in, leaning by a locker and reading a book. Shaymin's ramblings faded into the background as Giratina walked over to Arceus.

"Hey Arcy." Giratina greeted her with a pleasant smile.

A faint "I'll see you there?" could be heard in the distance, but to Giratina, all that mattered was his best friend.

Arceus' ears turned pink as she scolded Giratina, "I told you not to call me that!"

Giratina snickered.

Arceus slapped him.

Giratina put his arm around her shoulder, laughing. "You coming to Shaymin's birthday? Seems she wants me to come."

Arceus frowned. "I have plaaaaaans that day."

"Ohhhhh too bad." Giratina said, still laughing. Whispering in her ear he told her, "I'm pretty sure she likes me..."

Arceus laughed and pushed him away. "Doesn't everybody?"

"Nah. Well, uh, see you after school?"

"My dorm."

"We share the same dorm!"


Giratina sighed as he walked to Type Advantage Studies. His first year with Arceus in none of his classes was going to be torture.

Arceus POV

Arceus walked out of the class while the dismissal bell was still ringing, and she met up with Giratina outside.

"Seems I'm a faster flier than you," Giratina teased her.

"Never!!!!" She yelled back.

"Race ya!" Giratina said, already taking off.

"I will teach that man a lesson." Arceus muttered to herself.

Little did she know she was being watched, by an ever-so observant Pokémon. 


NR THO... 


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