Goodbye and Hello.

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~Doctors POV~

I quickly found where the master was hiding and snuck in. I could hear Rose crying and it broke my heart. I used my sonic to scan the area luckily there was no one around. I quietly walked into the room where Rose and the Master were. Rose looked up and saw me she was about to say something when the master turned around. "Who the hell are you?" he exclaimed, "let her go.' it was a blunt statement but he got the point, "what are you going to do if i don't". I walked towards him grabbing his arms and pinning him to the ground and put a knife to his neck, "Whoa a big shot, whats your name?", i ignored his question and decided to lock him another room. I walked over to Rose " are you okay?" she looked up and shakily nodded her head. " Who are you?"  i was a little shocked but then i remembered i've regenerated since i last saw her."Rose, sit down....Rose, I'm the doctor" She gasped and a saw a tear fall down her face. "I...Is it really you? I thought I'd never see you again" She hugs me and I hug her back. I lead her to the Tardis and she does the tooth-in-grin smile that i love oh so much I notice that she's tired so i take her to her old room and she lays in bed, I'm about to leave when i hear her mumble something "hmm?" she speaks a little later "I missed you" I smile "I missed you too" I leave the room and allow her to sleep. I go to my room and switch into pjs and sit in bed not able to sleep. A few hours later i hear a scream from rose, I run to her room and see her sitting in her bed up right crying. I sit next to her and hold her in my arms until she falls asleep i notice she had he sweater on so i took it off and gasped at what i saw all up her arms were bruises some dark purple others a bit yellow I decided I'd let her sleep and then talk to her tomorrow about it.

Thats all for now. Sorry i haven't updated but i've been busy with camp i'll try and write some more tomorrow after camp this is me signing off have a great day/night ~ Nickella

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