02 Take a Hint

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I couldn't concentrate at all during class Either Lucas would Nudge Me In the shoulder tap Me with a pencil or Just whisper In My Ear flirty words couldn't He take a Hint I wasn't Interested In being The Next victim In His Game I was writing the answers off the board In My Notebook when a flying Note Airplane came my way But before It could Land on My desk I deflated It with My pencil The bell rang Finally I thought to Myself I ran out Of the classroom But My Dad Grabbed My arm stopping Me I Looking at him wondering Why He stopped Me 

Cory- Riley Is that Lucas boy bothering you cuz If He Is 

Riley- Dad I can Handle Him on My own No biggle 

Cory- OK If you say so 

Riley- bye Daddy see you at Home 

I walked Into the Hallway  walking up to My Locker putting My books away I closed my Locker and there stood Lucas I rolled My Eyes at Him I walked past Him Making My way to Gym class when Of Course He had to come face with Me and stopped Me Maybe I should push Him Out Of My way Oh Yeah Good Idea I thought I pushed Him Out Of My way and Made My way to Gym class

I came out Of the Locker Room In My Gym clothes when Lucas appeared ugh He Is everywhere I Go 

Lucas- Hey babe 

Riley- What Is It Lucas 

Lucas- You Me date tonight what do you say

Riley- How about no 

Lucas- Great I'll pick wait did you Just say No

Riley- Yep

I walked away Leaving Him shocked 

Selena- OK Line up Everybody we're playing volleyball 

I Heard Selena our coach say we Lined up 

Selena- OK so Here all the people that are Gonna be on your team Riley the people on your team are gonna be Ariana and Maya 

Maya- Hi Riley so bad boy get to you yet 

Riley- nope and Not going to 

Maya- So can I start planning the wedding 

I Rolled My Eyes  playfully at Her she stepped Next to Ariana and finally Selena said your partner will be Lucas once She said that My Eyes Nearly fall out Of there sockets 

Riley- WHAT No Isn't there anyone else that can be My partner

Selena- I'm sorry Riley But My choice Is final 

Than Lucas came up behind Me 

Lucas- Aww baby did you Miss Me 

Riley- Why don't you go hit on Missy 

I Pointed to Her a few feet away making flirty Eyes at Lucas 

Lucas- She's to easy I Like Hard to Get Girls Like you 

Riley- Ugh Leave Me alone

Lucas- Never baby I'll Make you Mine 

He kisses My cheeks and I Wipe My cheeks 

Riley- Gross

LET THE GAME BEGAN SELENA YELLED Blowing Her whistle It was Me and My team vs. Missy and Her team Missy Hit the ball first I Jumped up and served the ball and Made It over the Net ONE POINT FOR RED TEAM I Heard Selena yelled I High fived Maya 

Selena- Good Job Matthews 

Riley- Thanks 

Sorry If It's wrong  I don't know Much about volleyball back to My story 

Round two I Heard Selena say 

Lucas- Princess 

I Turned My Head  to Lucas

Lucas- this One Is for you baby

He said and winked at Me I Rolled My Eyes at Him we Heard the whistle blow I Hit the ball It was about to Land on the floor when Lucas served the ball and It Made It over the Net

Lucas- your welcome sweetie

I Heard Lucas say and again wink at Me Ugh why does He flirt with Me 

We were done playing volleyball and all though the Game Lucas flirted with Me Maya was Giving Me weird Looks Like what's going on between you too I Explained to Her He was Into Me and I wasn't interested Of Course She started fangirling and started singing Riley and Lucas singing In a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G I Had to tell Her to shut up  Before someone Heard Her we were talking about Maybe Her coming over to My House When someone covered My Eyes I knew Exactly who It was 

Lucas- Guess who 

He said In a cute voice

Riley- Lucas

He uncovered My Eyes while pouting 

Lucas- How did you know 

Riley- Lucky Guess

I say while smirking I turned back to Maya

Riley- so wanna come over to my House After school

Maya- sure 

Lucas- Can I come to

Riley- No 

Lucas- Aww why Not I'll be on my best behavior 

Riley- Fine But If you put a Move on Me you outta Here 

Lucas- OK That's what you think 

He Mutters under His Breath

Riley- What was that

Lucas- Oh nothing 

He smiles Innocently and Riley shrugs 

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