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Natsu POV

"Hey Luce! How about a job with me and happy?" I asked enthusiastically.

Lucy seemed way off than normal. She looked so pissed at me. She didn't even want to face me.

"No thanks, I wouldn't want another village to be destroyed," Lucy grunted, emphasising on the 'another'.

"Oh come on Luce! Don't you need some jewels to pay for your rent?" I reasoned, more like begged.

"Yeah I guess you're right,"


Suddenly, Lucy gaze turned to that stupid popsicle who was naked. Again.

"Hey Gray, wanna go on a job with me?" Lucy asked.

What?? Why Gray? He's not as strong as me. He's not as good looking as me! He can't eat as much as I can! He's just Elsa without the dress. I felt my heart drop.

"Huh, oh sure Luce,"

Luce? When did Elsa call my Lucy 'Luce'? That was my nickname for her. I decided to swallow my feelings and act like it didn't bother me.

"How about the three of us then?" I said, losing the enthusiasm.

"Nah, it's been a while since Lucy and I went on a job alone," Gray smirked.

I felt my blood boil. For the love of Igneel, give me strength to not kick this ice prick's ass to the moon.

"You went on a job alone before..?"

I saw Lucy and Gray blushed a deep shade of crimson red as they looked at each other. Disgusting. I couldn't hold back the wanting to punch that popsicle.

"Oh okay,"

I didn't know how to react. I ran towards the bar and ordered some booze to help me forget.

"Hey Mira! One mug of booze please," I requested.

I saw Mira lift an eyebrow as she walked towards me.

"You don't usually drink booze.. why the sudden change?"

"Maybe he discovered the beauty of booze~" Cana said while hiccuping in-between words.

"Nah, I just.." My eyes drifted to everywhere and everyone else besides Mira.

"Gray and Lucy?"

"How did you know??" I questioned while staring at her eagerly.

"I saw you getting harshly rejected by Lucy..and plus, both of them hardly ever went on a job together so it's weird to see them standing by the job board," Mira explained.

I shaped my mouth to an 'o' shape before frowning. My bangs covered my eyes as I stared down at my feet.

"I don't know anymore. Was it cause I destroy the village on the previous mission or what?" I said hopelessly.

Mira POV

Great! First Gruvia and now Nalu? The love gods are testing my matchmaking skills. I shall not disappoint. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head.

"I end my shift at 7. Meet me under the Sakura tree then. I got something important to tell you and it might help you get back your Luce," I grinned from ear to ear leaving Natsu blushing crazily over the fact I said 'your Luce'.

"She's not mine..but whatever," Natsu mumbled before walking off to find Happy.

Project : jealousy [A NaLu and GrUvia story] ✔Where stories live. Discover now