The Blogger Not In a Chatroom

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Sherlock and John patiently awaited their arrival. Sherlock wasn't sure about meeting those fangirls in person. The way "skittlesarerainbowmagic" was acting online was most likely even worse offline. But he would just have to, as John put it, "suck it up and deal with it". While Sherlock sat in his thinking position, John was busy blogging. He couldn't imagine what he was blogging about.

"John?" Sherlock called.


"Is there any way to get me out of this?"

"Nope," Sherlock groaned. He picked up his gun. "Sherlock, what are you doing?"

"John, what do I always do when I'm bored?"

"You shoot the wall."

"I shoot the wall. Tell me, why do you think I'm picking up my gun?"

"To shoot the wall."

"To shoot the wall! Now, why do you think I'm about to shoot the wall?" John sighed before he answered.

"Because you're bored."

"Because. I'm. Bored!" And with that, he fired at the yellow smiley face.

"Are you sure Mrs. Hudson is alright with that?" Sherlock groaned.

"Are you incapable of asking good questions that don't make you sound like a moron?"

"Thanks, Sherlock. I needed that."

"Yes, you did." He shot the wall again. And again. And again. And again. CRASH! The window broke and a big group of people piled into the flat.

"They're here." John said calmly. There were so many...fangirls. Sherlock deduced that the girl who was looking at him like a psychopath was "skittlesarerainbowmagic".

"Hi, Sherlock." She drawled out.

"Oh, god. It's worse than I thought."

"I'm Valerie. This is Angela, Lucy, Sarah, Elsa, Meg, Lilly, Victoria, Sam, Dean, and Castiel."

"I'm Sherlock Holmes, this is John Watson." John closed his laptop and stood next to Sherlock.

"Nice to meet you all." He said.

"So, where are we meeting the Doctor?" Elsa asked.

"I was just asking him that in the chatroom," John answered. "He gave me an address."

"Okey-dokey," Valerie chirped. "Let's take all of this hullabaloo and whatchamacallits over yonder then."

She's so beautifully random. Sorry for the slow updates, I've been busy with all of my other SuperWhoLock stuff. Have you seen the trailers for them? Friggin awesome. I hope to create a trailer for my first SuperWhoLock book. I don't really know how to, though. I'll figure it out. It'll probably suck. I'll try my best to get the next chapter up and running ASAP, but I won't promise anything. Sorry for the shortness. SEE YA!

NinjaBunny: I feel so alone

NinjaBunny: :(

SuperWhoLock in a ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now