chapter 15

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This chapter is for my loyal readers.I think it is waste of time to say silent readers to vote.I write the chapters with difficultity.To type on lappy in the cold season is difficult becoz then ur hands would be like ice but I still type for you people.Let it be now.Lets start the chappy

Shivaay always shouts on Anika that she is wasting his money.

Shivaay was in office

Shiv:Yes give them my address 


Anika now always stay in her room.Everyone in the house misses the old Anika

Anika was feeling thirsty.So she went to kitchen but was shocked to see the guests.Her whole body was shivering.She quickly move towards her room and dialed Shivaay number.She was crying

Ani:Plz Shivaay pick up the phone

Shivaay was that Anika was calling him

Tan:Shivaay she is like this.She will tell you to come.Leave her and concentrate 

Anika was calling him again and again but he was not answering 

Anika hugged her knees and start to cry.She closed her eyes but immediatelyopened it.She was breathing heavily

Finally she took a knife in her hand and was about to cut her wrist but she remember her mother's word

Killing urself is the biggest crime.We should deal with our problems

Ani:I am not that much strong also that I can kill myself(crying)

Finally she lost her conscious.

A maid came to he roomto give her dinner but was shocked to see her unconscious.She immediately called the Doctor

Doc:its becoz of stress.Take proper care of her

Anika opened her eyes

Someone enter her room

Hey I am Dev.Actually I came her to take a file

Anika was shivering becoz she was him with the guests

Ani:Which file

Dev:ABC file

Ani:I will give you

Dev:I heard that you are not feeling well its completely ok

Ani:its here only

Anika gave him file but was shocked to see a mark on his hand.She noticed his face and was again shocked

Dev:Thank u

Anika was in shock

Shivaay came from office and move towards his room

Shiv:Plz stop disturbing me.I gave u my card.If you want I can transfer more money

Ani:Shivaay why are you behaving like this.And what money money

Shi:You are completely dependent on me

Ani:its you who doesn't allow me to work.

Shiv:Ok you want to work.So you will work in my office as my PA.And don't worry I will treat you as my PA only.ANd get ready we have to go somewhere

Ani:I will not come with u.Ur petrol will be wasted then again u will say I am using ur money

Shi(shouts):Stop it and get ready

Anika was already tensed.So she agreed with him


All were enjoying the party except Anika.She saw dev near the food counter.She move towards him

Ani:Why are you looking at this dish like this

Dev:I want to have but it has cheese and I have allergy with cheese


She was about to go but her foot slipped.Before she touch the ground.Dev hold her.Shivaay saw this and was angry or jelous

Dev:You are ok

Ani:Hmm thank u

Shivika were in car.Shivaay was missing his old Anika.He notice that Anika was sleeping.He was driving.When he notice that Anika was murmuring something and was swaeting badly

Shiv:Anika Anika

Anika opened her eyes

Shiv:Are you ok


Shivaay want to hug her but his big EGO and Taniya's words stopped him


Sorry for not replying to ur comments.But I love to read them

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