chapter 20

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Ani:I will never give you this file
He try to snatch it but Anika pushed him.
She was continuously running.Her eyes fell on Shivaay
Anika move towards him and hugged him tightly.
Dev:Perfect couple.Stop your drama and give me this file
Shiv:I will kill you.
Dev:You will kill me. Businessman or better to say gangster
They both start to fight.Anika try to separate them.But failed
Dev pushed Shivaay and his head hit the stone
Dev move towards Anika.
Anika hold the file tightly
He try to snatched it but failed.He kicked Anika on her stomach
Shivaay opened his eyes
Dev start to beat Anika but she try to protect herself
Shiv:To raise your hand on woman shows that how weak you are
Dev:I will show you.How weak I am
He took his gun from his pocked and point towards Shivaay
Ani:First you have to kill me
Ani:Its strange the hand which is used to protect her sister is now used to kill her.This is the same hand on which I used to tie Rakhi.
Dev:What the hell are you saying
Ani:What are you waiting for kill your Doll
Anika kept the gun near her forehead
Ani:Shoot kill me.Kill your Doll your sister with your own hand
Dev cupped her face
Dev:Doll you are my Doll my sis
Anika pushed him
Ani:I wish that day why I was saved and especially you.Its not that I am your sister I am saying this.Its about every girl.You send me to those men who already told you that they will rape me.And plus you are helping that person who killed our parents and made my life worst than hell.You made my character worst in front of everyone
She fell down crying. Shivaay came near her
Shiv:Stop crying
Ani:You are this.You never trust me you think that I am using you
Shiv:Taniya brain washed me
Ani:You are not a kid
Dev:I want to know everything
Shiv:Its not safe to stay here

Sorry for mistakes

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