Chapter 7

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Mary Quill was nervous. Sweaty palms, shaky hands, and thumping heart, kind of nervous. It wasn't that Tony himself made her nervous, of course he didn't, she didn't care how famous or smart or rich he was, he was still just a person, no, she was nervous because now she had a double stroller with twins, the same twins that were the man's children.

"No, I don't want to talk to anyone but Tony. Can you please just tell him Mary Quill is here to speak with him and that it's an emergency?" she begged the lady at the front desk of Stark Industries. The woman sighed, annoying, and made a phone call. Several minutes after she hung up an elevator dinged and out walked a beautiful young woman with strawberry blonde hair.

"Are you Mary Quill?" she asked, polite yet reserved, eyeing the two babies.

"Yes ma'am, who are you?" she asked warily.

"I'm Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's personal assistant. He's very busy at the moment but I can pass along a message." she said. Mary sighed but, really, what could she expect? The playboy to just come down and speak to a fling? No, personal assistant was as good as she could get.

"Is there anyway we could go somewhere private?" she asked, her voice was strained, tired. Due to the fact she was a single mom of two practically newborn babies, sleep was unheard of, plus, she was stressed and broke. Pepper's face softened and she nodded.

"Of course, follow me." she led the young woman into what seemed to be a conference room and they sat down. That was the moment Peyton began to fuss, which woke up her brother and pretty soon both babies were wailing. Mary's face crumpled and she reached down to move the stroller back and forth, hoping to calm them, but it didn't work. She couldn't exactly change them or breastfeed them at that moment either.

"I'm so sorry." she apologized.

"No worries! May I?" she asked, gesturing to the children. Mary hesitated but nodded slowly. Pepper leaned down and unbuckled Peyton while Mary unbuckled Peter. Pretty soon both babies were happy with the attention.

"Now, what can I do for you?" Pepper asked.

"Listen, first I know that Tony probably gets these claims all the time and I'm willing to do DNA tests and whatever else, I'm not here for money or fame, I just thought he should know. These babies, Peyton and Peter Quill are his children." she said. Pepper nodded, demeanor not changing, she expected this.

"Well, luckily we have a good system for this and we can get their cheeks swabbed and tests run today. We'll get the results in, about 3-4 days, until then Stark Industries will be happy to fund a hotel for you to stay near and don't worry, even if it turns out they aren't his, you won't have to pay anything back." Pepper explained. Mary nodded, relief washing over her.

"Oh, thank God."


Tony was still in jeans and an oil stained grey t-shirt as he sped the car into the parking lot of the 5 star hotel his ex fling was staying in. He didn't slow down for even a second as he jumped out, slammed the door and ran to her room. He was at her door in seconds, banging on it until she opened, hair disheveled, clothes stained with spit up. She looked even more exhausted than she had been when she showed up, though, Tony didn't know that, he hadn't seen her.

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