Bath ~Daniel Seavey~

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I feel a hand running up and down my arm as I begin to wake up. Remembering the night before. Daniel came over and made dinner , then we went to the beach and cuddled in the sand for hours talking about life. It was honestly the most romantic thing he's ever done. Daniel and I have been together for 8 months now and this week he's been really sweet to me , taking me out to dinner , watching movies whenever we get the chance , laying in bed taking turns rubbing each others backs.
Wondering what he had in store for today , I role on my back and open my eyes. Rubbing them and yawning at the same time , looking to my right and seeing my amazing boyfriend. "Good morning beautiful." He says setting his hand on my cheek , rubbing his thumb across it. "Good morning baby." I say , hearing the bath running in the bathroom in our room. I roll over , facing him. "Why's the bath running?" I ask. He just smiles , he gets out of bed and walks to my side. He holds out his hand for me to grab, which I do. He pulls me into the bathroom and I see the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. He walks over and turns the water off. He comes back over to me and wraps his left arm around my back and puts his hand on the back of my neck , pulling me into a hard passionate kiss. He slides his hands to the bottom of my shirt and pulls it over my head. He leans down and pulls down my pants. He stands back up and walks behind me , rubbing my shoulders , he leans toward my ear. "Get in baby." He whispered in my ear. I listen , slowly putting my foot in before getting completely in. I loosen up , relaxing my whole body , laying back and setting my head on the side of the tub and closing my eyes. I feel the water move , knowing Daniel was now in the tub with me. All of a sudden he grabs my waist and pulls me to him. Opening my eyes at his sudden touch, he sets me between his legs , my back facing him. "You're so beautiful." He calmly says. "No , that's you." I smile, he chuckles. "Grab the loofah baby." He says. I lean forward, crawling toward the other side of the tub , I feel a smack on my butt. "Ow" I laugh. "Sorry I just couldn't resist." Daniel smirks. I grab the loofah and sit back where I was. I hand the loofah to Daniel. He grabs the soap , lathering it in. He starts rubbing the loofah across my back and shoulders. "Why are you being so sweet?" I ask , smiling. "What? , I can't pamper my princess?" He says , grabbing the cup and rinsing off my back. He leans forward and starts kissing up my neck , leaving marks as he keeps going. "You ready to get out baby?" He asks. "Yeah , if you are." I smile. He stands up , getting out and grabbing two towels , wrapping one around his waist and tucking it in , he walks back over to the tub. "Stand up princess." He says , I stand up and he wraps the towel around me. I step out of the tub , and all of a sudden I'm scooped into Daniels arms. He carries me into the bedroom and lays me on the bed. "Give me this." He says , grabbing my towel and pulling it from around me. Leaving me naked. He drops his towel and crawls on top of me , kissing up my neck and rubbing his hand up my chest. "You're all mine princess." He whispers in my ear before sucking on my neck one more time , leaving a love bite behind. He's then moves to my lips , kissing hard and sliding his tongue over my lip, letting him win, we kiss for what feels like forever. He starts kissing down my neck again , slowly moving further down until he reaches under my belly button. He starts kissing my thighs , teasing. He sets his thumb on my heat , rubbing in slow circles , sending pleasure straight through my body. He soon replaces him thumb with his tongue, shoving his long fingers in me unexpectedly, causing me to moan his name. He sits up , grabs my legs and drags me closer to him , he lines himself up to my heat and pushes in. Immediately moaning and digging my nails into his shoulders , he starts pumping in and out slowly, quickly bring me to my high. "Don't cum until I say so." He says demandingly. He starts pounding harder until the bed frame smacks against the wall. "You like that baby?" He moans. "Yes daddy." I moan loudly. "Yeah? Say it louder baby , I want the neighbors to know who makes you feel this good." He demands. Knowing dang well the neighbors can already hear , I ignore him demand while smirking. "Do it now." He says sternly and smacks my ass, I give in. "Fuck daddy yes you make me feel so good!" I moan loudly. He continues pumping while groaning. "I'm gonna cum baby girl." He moans. I feel my high coming on also. His thrusts start to get sloppy. We both let go on each other. "That was-" I say before Daniel cuts me off. "Amazing." He looks at me and smiles. "I love you princess." He says kissing my forehead. "I love you too Daniel." I say , pressing my lips to his. He lay in bed cuddling and having a shrek marathon for the rest of the day.

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