Threesome ~Daniel Seavey and Jonah Marais~

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Requested by Kevissen10 

"Oh come on Babe, he was only joking!" I slid the key into the lock on our door, twisting it open as Daniel grumbled behind me. "Jonah sometimes jokes about things he really believes are true."

I push the door open and snicker as I float into our kitchen, Daniel close behind me. "He really thinks he can play the guitar better than you? I doubt that." I made a point to roll my eyes at him as I loosened the waist-tie on my jacket. Daniel scowled and threw his keys on the counter roughly. "He was using the guitar as a damn metaphor. He was talking about how well I could... How well we..."

I watched Daniel stutter and curse while running his fingers through his thick hair. I finished undoing my coat as I waited. He grew silent as he tried to spit out whatever secret he wasn't supposed to tell me.

Daniel's eyes glanced over my body, "Jonah thinks he could satisfy you more sexually." I froze mid-action as I was tugging off my coat and stared at the lean, hard body before me with its rough and talented fingers and mouth.  I began to laugh. I leaned forward, clutching at my stomach as I laughed harder. Daniel grinned, chuckling as he watched me.

I began to straighten as my laughter died and noticed his gaze had shifted to my chest, which had been on full display as I'd leaned over. He was still grinning, but his eyes had a wicked tilt to them.

 "You should wear that dress more often." His voice was low and husky. I ran my fingers through my hair nonchalantly and let him look some more, "I thought you hated this dress. You even requested that I never wear it out again." It was a slim fitted lace number with a low cut front, and a short hem.  "Well it was hard to appreciate with Jonah checking out your chest and ass every minute." 

I shivered as a flash of Daniel and Jonah, both naked and both skimming their fingers across my skin. I could feel the heat stir in my abdomen.   My eyes snapped back to his wicked ones and I arched an eyebrow. I slid my hands down my body to the hem of my dress and then back to my hips, causing the dress to hike farther up my leg. "Prove him wrong then." I challenged.

 He bent his head to skim his nose across my collar bone and up the side of my neck, placing a soft kiss behind my ear. My knees almost buckled. He chuckled darkly, fully aware he had targeted my sweet spot. His fingers traced up the outer side of my breast while still under the lace, "I knew you wouldn't wear a bra with this, and it aggravated me even more. All I could do the entire party was imagine peeling the damn thing off you."

 Under my dress, his hand crept lower, brushing across my stomach on its way down. I bit my lip and let my head tilt back. His fingers stopped just short of my thighs. I grinned in triumph at his discovery.

"I wasn't wearing anything under this dress all evening. Not even the smallest of panties." I waited for the sweet sound of victory, when he would finally strip off all my clothes and devour me as he lost himself in passion. Instead his hand retreated and he stepped back. I frowned, tilting my head up to look at him.

He stood a foot from me, his hands locked together and his eyes blazing. I felt his gaze sear through the thin material of my dress and scorch my skin. "I'll bet Jonah would've gone mad if he knew that."

For the second time an image of them both naked and pleasuring my wanton self, flashed across my mind. Still, Daniel was acting a little strange. He found it arousing, that he could have the one thing Jonah couldn't. That he was the one who had known about my little secret over the evening. 

 "What would Daniel have done then?" I found the zipper on my dress and undid it slowly until the dress was loose enough to fall from me.  "What would you have done if you had known the entire night?" I could hear his audible gulp as he took in my bare skin and stilettos.

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