Part 2

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Hey guys, thank you for reading this far. So this is my idea of what Hailey Stone, Alexandra's mom looks like.   

  A million stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter - I can't deny.
A love so precious, a love so true,
a love that comes from me to you.
The angels sing when you are near.
Within your arms I have nothing to fear.
You always know just what to say.
Just talking to you makes my day.
I love you, honey, with all of my heart.
Together forever and never to part.



Alex's POV

After the big bomb Raoula had thrown on me I definitely have to tell mom. She will love it.

I had the chauffeur to take me to the mansion of my parents. Got out of the car and threw the big door open.

"Mom!" I shouted from down the stairs.

"What is it young lady?" My dad answered from the kitchen. I could only see his head. I made my way to him and hugged him from behind.

"You arrive and ask about your mom, I might start thinking that you're forgetting about me Sandra."

"Hey, someone is jealous here." I start laughing. "Whoever I call when I arrive here, just keep in mind that you are the only man in my heart." I finished with a kiss on his cheek.

"And for how much longer you're going to keep it this way?" and here is my mama. Nice as ever.

"Hailey, let the girl take a breath, she just got in here."

"Am just stating the truth Mark.

"Stop it guys, don't start now." I cut them off.

"We are not darling. You called me down so yes."

"Is she always so nice or it's just a lucky day?" I asked my dad in a whisper. "Anyway, I have a news flash and you are so going to like it."

"And that is what?"

"Raoula is getting married in 2 weeks time." I actually waited for a surprised reaction when all I got is something else, something that surprised ME.

"She did well. I am starting to wonder when you are going to do this same well darling."

"Mom! What is wrong with you?"

"Honey, asking the girl when she's gonna get married is not the right thing to do." My dad stated.

"I am not even living with you so I don't get the thing. Where is the problem?"

"You are not getting younger Alexandra and time flies so fast. I just want you to settle down and start a family with someone with our same background, I mean rich and powerful with contacts. You know a man who can take you to higher positions."

"I don't want that. I don't wanna get in some big chairs that I can't afford. I am not ready to pay for such a stupid thing with my freedom pay card mom. And for the record I am twenty two not forty seven, okay? Take care." And with that I left them both standing is the middle of the kitchen.

My dad is very kind and sweet. He always has been this way with me being their one and only girl. He raised us with a lot of love. My brother and I. Mom... she was the bossy type. You know typical rich woman who searches for perfect? That was her. Perfect husband (that she has), perfect house, perfect kids. She got everything perfect, even what wasn't she made it a straight perfect with a big T. And with this being reality there always gonna be a "but". The but here is ME. To be clear, am simple and that's exactly my mom's problem. She wanted me to be one of her Perfects like she did with Matt, My older brother. She just kept pushing him till he made it to the top of the list that gathers brilliants businessmen. It's not like that's a bad thing but he's not happy with it, it wasn't his choice. He was just too nice and tolerant to do as she told him. I... was kind of not too nice. I can't keep up with the dominance style.

I always have dreamt about the spot lights and the reporters around me, it wasn't very hard to accomplish that dream because of my dad's statue and my mom's as well. But as I grew up I thought about this thing that will make people notice me aside from my parents being famous, something that I like. So after graduating I found myself assigning to clothing design option in NYU. And just when I did that, mom's response was so lovely.


"What is this Alexandra?" she came shouting as she handled me a paper.

"My acceptance letter. Shouldn't you be happy about it? You wanted me to assign to NYU."

"Yes! Well no, I didn't say that so you go and choose to draw people's clothes. That's not you, you're higher than that."

"You aren't telling me what to do with my life, that's my future. You already had yours to decide, you even got Matt's so just accept it."

"Okay. Let's figure a solution out, calmly."

"Yeah, that would be nice from you to lower your voice mom."

"We can fix this and get you out of the NYU after that we can take you to some famous agency or create a new one just for you and then you can be a model. A very special model that got fame and beauty since you turned out to like runaways. This way you can be our brilliant family member and you can have people make clothes you wear not the way around." She really did think about all of this. She even smiled by the end of the fabulous speech.

"Mom, please. I get to do what I like. And just so you know for me modeling or designing no job is called low, every career has its good and bad sides. And this topic is closed for good. Bye."

Back to reality

So that was it. At least she's the only bad member in our family. My brother, Matthew is a total copy of dad. He's twenty-eight and he is handling my dad's company, he is doing a very good job there. Ijust love him, he's my perfect brother. 

Adrian's POV

I had a good look around the mansion and waited for her to leave at the window. Not much later she jerked off to the car and the driver hit the road. Was she angry with something or am just paranoid. Well she's still very pretty. Angry or not she just has those wonderful genes that make her unique. My unique.

Still thinking about her beautiful features, my phone starts to ring, and it's no one other that shit face I call a friend.

"Yes, Adrian speaking."

"Hello man. What's up? I call you, you're off line then I ask about you at the office, you're not there and not to forget when I want to meet you you're always traveling. What am I? One of your employees?"

"Take a breath Elena." I joked about the panic mode he actived.

"Don't tell me what to do Katalina." He responded to my humor. "How are you man? I can't even talk to you for two good minutes."

"Hey don't you dare say some lame excuse, you just have to admit that you miss me."

"What am I? Excuse you, my name is definitely not Alexandra."

"Get her out of this sick joke we're pulling."

"And where is the fun in that?" and here we start "Besides that, what can you do about it? We can't even meet each other, now can we?"

"Trust me, my only answer is Yes we can. And that can be arranged right now. Where are you Elena?"

"I am home, where should I be? Are you trying to scare me cause it's not working baby."

"You just watch and learn." That was all I said and then I hang up.

Taking my car. Direction, the jerk face's condo. I ring the bell and seconds later the door was made open.



To be continued...

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