Chapter One: The CARE Group ~Kaine/Karkat's POV~

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"YOU DID WHAT!?" I hissed at my friend. My voice was naturally loud, so this was basically yelling.

"I'm sorry, Kaine! You told me you WANT---ED to go!" She shot back, extending her "e". This girl was so frustrating.

"I WAS HALF ASLEEP! OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" I plopped down on her the grass outside the school, holding my head with one hand. I looked up and streaked my fingers through my hair. I do this often when I'm mad, it's just become a habit. 

"iT WONT BE SO, uH, bAD..." Stuttered a voice behind me. I turned my head to see Tavern in his wheel chair behind me. Next to him was Kani, who must've pushed him here.

"Yes, Kaine, Calm down. It Is Actually Quite Nice In The Care Group. The T-Shirts Are Customizable, Too." She spoke slowly, but in a smooth motion, she pulled a gray shirt from behind her that read 'CARE GROUP MEMBER: KAINE' and tossed it too me. She probably designed it while I was sleeping, too. It was actually pretty nice-looking, but I was still pissed. I take a nap during one movie night and they fucking got me into *this* crap.

I stared at the shirt like it was some demon. Then I looked over to Steffani, the girl who got me into this. "WHY?" Was all I said, shaking my head, my gray eyes narrowed. She was so dead for this.

"I t) (ink you need it, Kaine. You've been pretty unstable since... You know..." Steffani often expressed her "H"'s. Something wrong with her teeth- like they're gapped. But the 'You know' part was something I have been trying to forget since it happened.

"OH YEAH? WELL I THINK YOU NEED A---" I was beginning to yell, red faced, but Kani covered my mouth and shook her head.

"He Is Thankful, He Really Is, Steffani. He's Just" She glared down at me, her black hair swinging in front of her face, "Having A Hard Time." Kani smiled back to Steffani, who looked like she was going to cry. UGH, I hated making people feel bad. This was my fault.

"SORRY. THANK YOU, STEFFANI, I'LL TRY TO BE GOOD IN CARE GROUP." I mumbled through gritted teeth. Steffani beamed at me and threw her arms around my neck. I hated hugs, and I didn't like the smell of the ocean too much, either, but if she was happier, I guess it's okay.

"oH, gUYS DONT LOOK NOW" Tavern had a bunch of voice-cracks, it seemed puberty never really left him. I looked over at him, then back to where he rolled his eyes from. You have to be kidding me.


"hey shorty, i came to talk to kani, not hear your mouth." He said, annoyed, then turned to the girl in the red skirt- Kani. "i came to pick up rose, where is she?" he raised his eyebrows, looking bored as hell.

"Rose Is Off Doing A Few Errands, But You Are Welcome To Stay Until She Gets Back." Kani said, smiling warmly. The pest looked like he wanted to refuse, but few people said no to Kani. He tucked his hands into his red hoodie and muttered, "sure", sitting down.

"You GUYS. We're getting off t) (e topic!" Steffani folded her hands over her green and blue skirt, putting on her buisness-face. "We N-E-ED to discuss some important t) (ings!" Oh right, I almost forgot; Steffani, here, is the CARE group kid-leader.

"We are going on a FI-----ELD TRIP!" She shook her hands in a jazzy motion, smiling widely like the Cheshire cat.

"wait i want in on this field trip" the insufferable prick, Dave, said. "where we going?"


"Well, we can make an exception, since ) (e is Rose's brot) (er!" She said, her cat-like grin still going strong. "And we are" she paused dramatically. "Going to" more dramatic pauses. "T) (--E LOCAL M--ENTAL KIDS ) (OSPITAL!" Steffani threw her arms up in the air, her bangles chipping against one another. Her blonde hair swayed as she leaped joyeously into the air, seemingly floating back down.

"W) (oops!" Steffani giggled, patting her skirt down.

"A Mental Kids Hospital? You Mean-"


"Well... Sea, it's not an asylum, t) (e teens t) (ere just have a few mental problems! T) (ats all. In fact, we get to M---E---ET some of t) (e teens our age!" She was too excited about this. I wonder why.

"Yes, Kaine. This will be quite the expirience for all of us. But we better go pack our bags with whatever we think we should bring, because we are leaving tomorrow afternoon" A sickeningly sweet voice said. I looked over to see a girl holding a flyer that read: "CARE GROUP SCHEDULE: SATURDAY; 12:00 pm- LOCAL HOSPITAL VISIT" after a bunch of other listings that the team has already done.

"rose there you are!" Dave sighed in relief. "come on we have to get going."

Rose waved goodbye to us, kissed Kani on the cheek, then walked off with the red too-cool-for-fucking-school-or-so-he-thinks-kid.

"T) (ats rig) (t!" Steffani chipped. "Let's get going, guys! Kani, can you take Tavern ) (ome t) (is time?" She said, grabbing her bag and turning away.

Kani nodded, threw a backpack over her shoulder, a book-bag around a handle of Tavern's wheelchair, and begin wheeling/walking off.

I sighed and dragged my bag behind me, slumping all the way home.

My first CARE group thingy- and we're going to an ASYLUM.

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