Chapter 4

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Draco POV

I wake up from my 'morning nap' and look beside me. There beside me is my little baby brother Harry. I look at my other side and saw a wall clock and it read 10:30 a.m. Well it still early for the baby to wake up from his morning nap. I sit up and look at Harry. I can't believe that now Harry Potter not my friend but my little brother. From the first time i meet him i know something was wrong and it turn out true. I adjust his blanket around him to make sure he comfortable.

I stand up and walk my way into the kitchen where i find my Daddy and Papa. They were clean up some dishes and clean the table. I go straight to Papa and tucked his sleeve shirt a little. He look down at me for a minute and turn again to turn off the sink faucet. He dry his hand and turn to me with raised eyebrow. I just held my hands up signaling i want to be pick up. Papa pick me up and put me on his hip and i instantly put my face at the crook of his neck.

"What is wrong Bubba?. You always clingy when you nervous". Daddy said from behind me.

I pull my face away from Papa neck and look at Daddy.

"Can i tell Daddy and Papa something, it's about Ron Weasley". I told them.

They look at each other and move to the kitchen table. Papa sat down and put me on his lap. Well it's not a sin to be clingy towards my parents because right now the baby is still sleeping. Daddy sit on the seat beside us.

"Okay start". Daddy said.

"Well it come to my concern that maybe Ron was under a spells". I told them.

"What spells?. And how did you know?". Papa ask me.

"One day i make a deal with the Weasley twins. The deal were if i help them with potion homework they will secretly lend me Harry invisible cloak for a day. So after i help them with their homework, they give me the invisible cloak without Harry knowing. I used the cloak to sneak into Grifindor dorm and see what is exacly happening to Harry. I saw they were abused Harry but what make me think Ron was under some sort of spell is when i look into his eyes when he bullied Harry, his eyes look like someone who wanted to cry, who wanted to scream. It's like he don't want to abused Harry but his body just do it. It's like he was trapped inside his own body". I told Daddy and Papa.

"I think Draco may be correct about this honey because one day i have seen Ron were crying at some empty classroom while muttering 'i don't want to hurt him' again and again, after that event i see he avoiding Harry for a few days with guilty face and after that he start to pick on Harry again". Papa said to Daddy while he brushing my hair with his fingers.

"Okay, how about this. I will firecall Arthur Weasley to come here immediately with his younger son but i will ask him to put his son under sleeping spells and of course without Molly knowledge. I will also firecall our personal medic wizard to come over just in case it was true Ron under a spells and we can get right of it immediately". Daddy said while looking at me and Papa.

Severus POV

"Bubba, when Arthur come i want you to tell him everything you know okay". I look down at Draco and he nod his head with ok Papa.

I put Draco down and told him to go tidy up his bedroom and watch he and Lucius left the kitchen. I look at the clock we have in the kitchen and it read 11:15 a.m. Well i better give little one his morning bath right now because i don't want him over sleep and i will have to dealt with wide awake baby tonight or cranky baby because he can't sleep at his afternoon nap.

I stand up and go to the living room and see little one is still asleep. I sit down beside him on the floor and rubbing his tummy. He open his eyes and look at me. I pick him up and cradle him to my chest and rubbing his back. I walk upstairs and into the nursery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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