Important authers note

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Whats up guys its your auther here with an important announcement to make.

I am going to take a brake from writting "THE FINALE CANDIDATES" because i cant tell if you guys like it or not because i haven't found any feedback from you and i just dont know wether to keep writting it if you  guys aren't gonna tell me what you think.

If you do enjoy it and want me to continue writting it please leave a comment or just vote for one of the chapters. I really need to know what you guys think of it because i cant just do this by myself. Like the saying "it takes a people to make a village" i need you huys to tell me if there is a part you didn't like tell me because i don't want to keep making a book you Don't like or if there is a part you like tell me so i can do more stuff like that. 

But enough about that, this book is going to be different to the other one. It will be a cross over between reality and fantasy. Meaning that there is stuff like supermarkets and guns mixed in with olden day weapons like bows and arrows and yes there will also be magic. So i hope you like it and leave a comment of what you think about it vote for it if you want and... just enjoy reading it.

Now one last thing if you recognize some parts from a different book let me know in the comments because i want to try and keep this original. But i did get inspired by afew differnt series but this isn't a spin-off of them its my own work so as i said just let me know.

That is all for now so i hope you guys enjoy this new series and i will talk to you all later. (Warning there will be a fourth wall braking line in this book)

Your's truly Moon Shadow76

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