Chapter 5

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Erika's POV
It was Sunday morning and I was still laying on my bed not wanting to move, my parents went out to run errands and of course Anthony was downstairs with Jake probably playing video games. I'm kinda hungry but I don't have the energy to get up and walk all the way downstairs so I put Netflix and lay there for another hour. When the movie I was watching ended I fixed my hair and went downstairs in short, shorts and a crop top.

Jake's POV
It was almost noon and Erika hadn't came down all morning and to be honest I didn't really come to hang out with Anthony I actually came to see Erika, I know that sounds bad because he's my best friend but ever since Anthony got a girlfriend all he does is text her and talk on the phone with her and he barely even pays attention to me and when he does all he talks about is Stacy (Anthony's girlfriend). I was worried that I maybe scared Erika away but I don't know, I just wish I can talk to her.

Erika goes downstairs and passes by the living room ignoring Anthony and Jake. Jake looks at her to see if she does anything but she doesn't, she just keeps walking.

Jake's thoughts
Damn. Every time I see Erika I just feel the need to go up to her and hug her and kiss her and have a normal conversation with her.

Erika's thoughts
I walk past the boys completely ignoring them. Anthony was on the phone with Stacy, and Jake was on his phone until he saw me pass by. As I walked passed them Jake just stared at me but I didn't dare to look at him. I went into the kitchen and cooked some Mac and cheese for myself while scrolling through my phone. It was peaceful until someone had to interrupt me.

Jake: hey Erika *sits on the counter behind her*
Erika: oh, hi Jake
Jake: what, are you not excited to see me *laughs*
Erika: ehhh not really *chuckles*
Jake: yeah sure
He jumps off the counter and goes behind Erika, wraps his arms around her waist and lightly kisses her neck.
Erika: Jake stop *she moves his hands*
Jake: what now
Erika: we cant do this
Jake: do what
Erika: this, us, or whatever we're doing, you can't keep coming up to me and hugging and kissing me, your my brothers best friend and your so close to my family this is going to be impossible, I need you to stop because your making it hard for me

Jake backs up a little but still close to Erika.

Jake: I know, I try but your so irresistible, I just want to hold you and call you mine and kiss you whenever I want, and talk to you about life and cuddle you, I just want to be with you, but it's like you don't want us to be something one day, I feel like your pushing me away and I really like you Erika
Erika: you got this all wrong, Jake I like you a lot too, and when I see you I get nervous and a feeling I've never felt with anyone else but this won't work
Jake: why isn't it going to work, we can make it work
Erika: what do you think Anthony is going to say? Huh, What do you think he's going to do? His best friend dating his little sister, you think he's gonna let it slide? *Erika starts to speak a little louder and she's heated* You know very well how overprotected he is of me, you know how he is, I don't understand why you can't comprehend that
Jake: I don't care what Anthony thinks! I'm willing to sacrifice anything to be with you
Erika: yeah but how about me!? I can't have my own brother hate me for fucking around with his best friend, thats just not how it works

Jake stands there looking at Erika not knowing what to say. She was heated and he didn't want to make it any worse.

Jake: you know what, I'm sorry, I knew I should of just shut my mouth and not said anything, I always fuck up something
Erika: no Jake lis-

Erika was interrupted by someone.

Anthony: what's going on
Erika's eyes widened and she looks at Jake.
Jake: nothing, I was going to the bathroom and saw Erika alone so I was talking to her since you were too busy on the phone
Anthony: sorry bro, Stacy wanted to know if I could go to her house tomorrow
Jake: it's fine, I was about to leave anyways
Anthony: Why, what do you have to do
Jake: nothing
Anthony: then just stay, let's go play 2k I got a new version
Jake: alright let me grab some water 

Anthony walked back to the living room to turn on the Xbox. Jake walked up to the fridge to grab a water bottle.

Erika: that was close *turns towards the stove to mix the macaroni*
Jake: yup
Erika: I'll talk to you later, right now I need space to think *she pours the mac and cheese onto a plate, grabs her phone and makes her way upstairs*
Jake: wait, give me your phone
Erika: for what, no
Jake: just give it to me

Jake snatches away the phone from her hands and puts in his number.

Jake: I'm ready whenever you are
Erika: just know that you didn't fuck up anything

And with that Erika walks up the stairs and into her room and Jake walks back to the living room where Anthony was.

Anthony: yo what was my sister telling you
Jake: I don't even know, she was talking about something her and Courtney did or sum shit like that
Anthony: oh ok
Jake: why *chuckles*
Anthony: cause she's been acting so weird lately and she won't tell me
Jake: whatever it is she probably won't tell you because your her brother, the same way you wouldn't go tell her the things that happen to you
Anthony: true

Jake's thoughts
When Anthony asked me what we were talking about I freaked out a little bit but I just tried to make up a lie and it seemed to work so that's good but hopefully he doesn't suspect anything.

Erika's thoughts
I went up to my room happy that I got away from that conversation. I ate my Mac and cheese and watched another episode of Gossip Girl. After awhile I decided to text Jake, even though he was downstairs, I couldn't just go and talk to him like nothing because Tony was there.

On text
Erika: hey, I'm sorry for coming out that way I'm just so frustrated, but just know that you didn't fuck up anything, I'm glad you told me how you feel

Jake smiles reading the text and then replies.

Jake: it's ok, I understand
End of text

Anthony: yo what are you smiling at
Jake: um nothing
Anthony: who are you texting let me see
Jake: no bro, I'm not texting no one
Anthony: come on, I'm your best friend, who's the special girl
Jake: tony I'm serious I'm not texting a girl *laughs*
Anthony: mhm, if you say so *smirks*

Erika's POV
I silently sit at the top of the stairs ease dropping on Jake and Tony. I could hear Anthony downstairs trying to make Jake tell him who he was texting. I smiled when he asked who the special girl was because I was that special girl but then my smile faded when I realized that I wasn't really HIS special girl....yet

Jake's POV
Seeing Erika's text made me smile, I don't know, just seeing her name on my phone made me happy. When Tony asked me who the special girl was I just wanted to scream her name and tell him but sadly I couldn't. It kinda hit me realizing that she's not MY special girl....yet


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