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AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-(I'm adding humor from myself so If you're feeling thirsty🍷then please enjoy yourself with whatever liquid that you prefer to drink & if you're hungry🍔🍟then please enjoy yourself with whatever food that you prefer to eat. I always enjoy a little snack to have when I'm reading books📚 from authors like you on Wattpad just for the relaxing sensation that always set my mind at ease no matter what part of the story📖 I'm at. Btw if your celebrating a birthday from yesterday, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago or today then allow me to say 'Happy(🎊Late or Early or Current🎊)Birthday' to each of you from the bottom of my heart. If you're going through something then please keep your head up & trust in our Lord to make everything in your life better if you just believe🙏🙏. Time is short for all of this violence & hatred towards one another. Love each other & everyone. Love😇is greater that hate😈. I love you all😍.)-

-(1 Week Later)-
[Dragon Warehouse]. "I had some trouble getting here but I'm finally here at last. I have the briefcase my right hand that is full of cocaine & the million of dollars in the briefcase on the table. All of this is gonna cost the both of you at least one million or the deal is off", Client, say to Alexander, who is testing out a package of cocaine just by licking a sample of it off his right index finger & Alexis, who is sitting in a chair nearby just counting a stash of cash. "The product taste mighty pure so we have a deal", Alexander, say to Client, before he pulls out a briefcase from underneath the table & lay it on top of the table. "Is that the money? Don't fucking play with me?! Is it money or isn't it", Client, curiously ask both Alexander & Alexis, in demanding fashion as he watch them closely. "It's money. I don't cheat any client of mine as long as they don't double cross us in the process. People in this world must know the basics of illegal life in order to become a part of mafia. If people fuck up in any way then they are the ones who get fucked by the decision of death by any lethal way necessary. Mafia members like me & my twin sister Alexis, have been in the illegal business once we both turned twelve years old. It was kill or be killed in the way of assassination & we both managed to live with our titles forever being known as the 'Wang Twins' that strikes fear against our rivals & anyone who is stupid enough to fuck with us on a dangerous level. We slice, burn, drown, melt, poison, strangle & even blow up anyone who stands in our way without any hesitation. Like dragons we are both cold-blooded & that's the way we continue to live. Society will never get rid of mafia because mafia is the future", Alexander, tell Client, before he grab the man by the collar of his shirt & slam him down on the floor violently. "W-What the...fuck man?! What the hell are you doing", Client, curiously ask Alexander, as he try to keep the grip from tightening around his throat. "We're terminating your life asshole", Alexander, tell Client, in response as Alexis, walk around her twin & stop over the man's head with a dagger pointing directly at his forehead. "Wait! Wait! Wait! WAIT!! WAIT!! WAIT!! I'LL GIVE YOU BOTH WHAT YOU BOTH WANT", Client, shoutingly say to Alexis & Alexander, as he fear for his life. "Never trust a dragon", Alexis, say to Client, before she kneel down on the floor & stab her dagger into the forehead of the man killing him until she keep on stabbing the deceased man even more violently with his warm turning cold blood splashing all over the floor & her pale-skinned face. "This is for anyone who dares to fuck with us no matter who it is. They'll die without a reason & no fucking mercy", Alexis, say with delight before she take her dagger & start slicing from the top of the dead man's head all the way down the middle of his face until she stop at the trachea with blood & brain chips spilling out everywhere like a red bloody fountain while Alexander, begin using his katana to carve out a hole on the dead man's chest. "I'll remember you by the heart I'll now have as a trophy", Alexander, say before he reach in the hallow of the dead man's chest & violently yank out the slowly still-beating heart that is covered with blood that drip from his right hand & splatter on the floor. "Who's next on our list", Alexis, curiously ask Alexander, who continue to stare at the still-beating heart that he hold within his right hand before he look at her. "The woman known as Jazmine King, is our next target. She is still alive recovering but once we get a small group of guys to handle her as there play toy then the rest will be history once she is dead. Get ready to call our best guys for the mission & give them each a picture of who there target is", Alexander, tell Alexis, who yank her dagger out of the dead man's throat & stand up before she pull out her phone from within her pants pocket. "This is Alexis Wang. I have a job for you Kaijin. Gather a small amount of your guys & have them come here. Me & my twin brother Alexander, have a assassination target for you. We'll pay you & your guys up front to get the job done. The target is a female named Jazmine King. Arrive here around 12:00AM so we can discuss the plans for this special operation", Alexis, say to Kaijin, who before she end the conversation between them by ending the call. "I heard of a special party that's suppose to occur tonight at 8:00PM at a club called Royal. If Jazmine, goes there then she is as good as dead but the same can be said if she decides to stay at home which will add many more options in our guys favor before they slice & dice her body up", Alexander, say to Alexis, who begin making a cocaine line on the table before she snort it up through her nose. "That bitch is as good a fucking dead & we'll both get full credit", Alexis, say to Alexander, who agree before he starts dismembering the dead man's body with his katana. [Jazmine's House-Living Room]. "If any of you seen these two dangerous assassins both better known as the 'Wang Twins' then please call this number (*)-(***)-(***)-(****) right now", a TV Reporter, say before a picture of Alexander Wang, who is described with wearing a black skull mask matching with a black outfit while wielding dual katanas & a picture of Alexis Wang, who is described with wearing a white skull mask matching with a white outfit while wielding dual daggers which triggers a reaction with Jazmine's mind. "Them two are responsible for killing your true love", Banshee, say to Jazmine, while she relax on the couch rubbing on her naked thighs as she eat some white grapes. "So them two are the bastards who are killing countless people in so many areas around New York?! I'm gonna bury them both & anyone else following in there footsteps! No! Instead of my burying them I'll torment them in many ways until I give them there last rites with me granting them both death in a bloody way", Jazmine, angrily say which interests Banshee, who lay back on the couch & decide to take a nap while she plan on the many murderous ways for her host to begin on her very first murderous night against any abusive man that she come across. "If you really wanna be successful in being a special assassin then you're gonna have to watch assassination shows & horror movies like 'Halloween' if your a fan of Michael Myers & his murderous rampage as a psychopath", Banshee, tell Jazmine, before she get off the couch & walk toward her host. "So we're both gonna be one of the same", Jazmine, ask Banshee, who kneel down on the floor & start rubbing her host's cheeks seducingly. "We'll always be together. I'll teach you how to survive. I'll teach you how to kill abusive men only during the night. When you feel like making love I'll give you the pleasure you need. When you feel sad I'll cheer you up. When you have questions I'll give you answers. When you need directions I'll be your GPS. When you feel sad I'll always cheer you up. Whatever you need just know that I'll always support you physically, mentally, spiritually & financially. I'm your everything. I'm your ghost & your my body", Banshee, tell Jazmine, before she use a spell that make her host put her arms around the ghost's waist & rub over her ass. "I want a little pleasure right now. I just can't erase my memory of my late husband who died right before my eyes. The pain still hurts", Jazmine, say as a single tear fall from her right eye down to her right cheek before Banshee, sit down on her host's lap with her breast & her legs pressed against her body. "Shh it's all gonna be ok baby. If you desire some pleasure then I will do the pleasing", Banshee, seducingly say to Jazmine, before they both have there lips connecting with each other for the very first time which seems weird to them but also something romantic that make them kiss over & over again until the female ghost find herself falling deep in love with her host. "I want your whole body all over me. Feel all over my empty spaces", Jazmine, tell Banshee, who do just as her host tell her before wrap her left hand around the back of her host's neck while she also place her right hand between her legs rubbing her sex. "Aah! Aah", Jazmine, shout before she roll her eyes in the back of her head as the feeling of lust drown her mind while she embrace the passion being given to her by the female ghost that has the appearance, the voice & the feeling of a real woman which is something only her eyes can see, her ears can hear & her body can feel. "You went to sleep naked because of humidity that Autumn always bring & it is good to know that both of us are doing this without any clothes on our bodies. When we both finish this small pleasurable moment I believe we should both go to a market that I know of & get that sexy black hoodie along with them black boots before we get ourselves ready to protect innocent women by killing the abusive men who harm them without any mercy. We're gonna need some lethal weapons also if we're gonna be able to slaughter or use any weapon laying around in our surroundings", Banshee, say to Jazmine, before they both get off the couch & find themselves laying on the carpeted floor. "My vengeance will be all for you Taylor. Your death will be avenged my love", Jazmine, say before she switch position with herself on top of Banshee, who look up at her host with a smile on her face. "Nothing is more sweeter than revenge which we will both have together", Banshee, say to Jazmine, before they both start humping each other passionately as a broadcaster start broadcasting the murder of a unknown dead woman who is found beheaded near a dock.

AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-(Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I had a hard time figuring out what sort of action should be included for both the 'Wang Twins' who are both main antagonists & also Banshee & her host Jazmine, who both are just a few of the main protagonists in this story. Did you enjoy the juicy part between the female sprit Banshee & her host Jazmine? I'm didn't even expect to add that so early in the story but I said the words- "what the hell" within my mind & decided to go along with it. Maybe what drew me to add this sexy part was because I understand people who are straight & people who are gay. We all have a heart that contains our desires for what we want & who we want regardless or what someone else may say or do. Go for it & be happy in life. If your a straight person reading this or a gay person reading this just know that I love you all. You are all my friends & I thank this Wattpad app for allowing me to be friends with so many of you from all across the globe💞💞. ALERT🚦🚦🚦- IN THE NEXT CHAPTER IT MAY BE TO VIOLENT & TO BLOODY FOR YOU TO READ BUT YOU'RE FREE TO READ IT ON YOUR OWN RISK. Remember to put the shine on the star below & comment back to me asap. See ya ladies & gentlemen👋.)

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