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AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-(Once again this chapter will contain extreme blood & gore along with violence so please read on your own risk. Enjoy reading this.)-
-(10 Hours Later)-
[Jazmine's House-Driveway]. "I have everything that I need for tonight's assassination mission against the ones responsible for my husband's death. Two pistols, a knife & a wire string all in my weaponry briefcase", Jazmine/Banshee, tell herself before she drive off on the road as a red moon begin to peak over a dark cloud that engulf the entire sky of New York, with a red color meaning the sign of a bloody night that hasn't been seen in years. "It's gonna be some bloodshed tonight", Jazmine/Banshee, say before she take a right turn on a road that will direct her to her destination at the Royal Club, as she pick up the scent of multiple Dragon Triad members who are standing inside & outside of the building fully prepared for her arrival. [Dragon Warehouse]. "What a damn shame for anyone to die. Even the sign of a red moon peering is enough to fucking piss me off. A red moon is the sign of a bloody massacre so eventually it's bound to happen somewhere within New York", I say before I look at the dismembered body of a man being placed within a black body bag by five multiple police officers while Zachary, take pictures of a cocaine line still on the table as evidence that can be used to fully understand what else happened. "It would seem that the 'Wang Twins' left this area 4 hours ago judging from the look of the cocaine line on the table", Zachary, say to me before he put the cocaine inside a clear ziplock bag for testing & evidence. "Damn. At least we're close but not close enough", I say before I look up at the red moon that continue to beam its red color all over the sky of New York. [Club-Parking Lot]. "We're finally here at last. Time to kill", Jazmine/Banshee, say as she open up her briefcase & pull out her dual pistols, her knife & her wire string that she hide within the inside pockets of her black hoodie-jacket before she get out of her Mustang GT when she notice a drunk guy standing in a dark alley beating on a woman. "I wonder just how powerful I truely am", Jazmine/Banshee, tell herself as she walk toward the drunk man until she confront him. "Hey you there? Are you with this bitch that refuses to suck my dick", Drunk Man, ask Jazmine/Banshee, who only look at him before she look down at the screaming woman that turns out to be a teenager somewhere between the ages of 13 & 18 judging by the sound of her voice & her appearance. "I'm with her. Let her go & allow me to suck your dick you fucking pervert. I'll be the last woman you'll ever see", Jazmine/Banshee, say to the Drunk Man, who agree before he pull out a pistol from within his coat & shoot the young girl in the head killing her instantly. "Get down on your fucking knees & do as I fucking tell you if you value your life", Drunk Man, demandingly tell Jazmine/Banshee, who get down on her knees with a dirty plan boiling within her mind. "What's next", Jazmine/Banshee, curiously ask Drunk Man, who keep his gun aimed directly at her head so she doesn't try to escape which isn't possible. "Unzip my pant zipper easily & slowly pull my dick out of my pants with your hands. Don't try anything else bitch or I'll fucking bleed you", Drunk Man, tell Jazmine/Banshee, who begin unzipping the man's pants zipper before she slowly pull out the man's penis. "I have the best thing for this situation that is gonna make him scream until I give him a fitting death", Jazmine/Banshee, thoughtfully tell herself before she start stuffing the man's penis in her mouth. "Keep on sucking on my dick bitch. That feels so fucking good. You don't fucking stop until I say you can stop", Drunk Man, tell Jazmine/Banshee, who keep on sucking the man's penis as she slowly begin to pull out a knife from the inside of her black hoodie-jacket while the man is too busy distracted by the pleasure he's having. "Enjoy this you fucking asshole", Jazmine/Banshee, thoughtfully say to Drunk Man, before she jam the blade of her knife in the middle of the man's penis that make his pleasure be replaced with intense pain as he scream loud. "Does it feel good", Jazmine/Banshee, ask Drunk Man, before she cut his penis down the middle until she take both of her hands & rip it apart that cause the man even more pain that he have ever experienced in his entire life as his loud screaming goes unheard by anyone standing outside of the club. "Y-You...fucking...bitch", Drunk Man, tearfully say to Jazmine/Banshee, before he fall backward on the ground in agonizing pain as he hold what's left of his torn apart bloody penis. "I'm only doing you a favor for your own fucking good & here you are laying on the ground screaming like a bitch just because of what I've have done to you as a fucking punishment that you deserved from all of girls you raped", Jazmine/Banshee, angrily say to the Drunk Man, before she pick up a axe that is laying nearby after she wipe the man's blood off from around her lips. "W-Who...are you?! W-What...are you", Drunk Man, curiously ask Jazmine/Banshee, with panic in his voice. "I'm your worst nightmare & the last woman you'll ever see", Jazmine/Banshee, say to Drunk Man, with her eyes glowing pink before she swing the axe down on the man's head splitting his head in two that spray blood everywhere. "FUCK YOU", Jazmine/Banshee, shoutingly say before she slam the axe on the corpse of the Drunk Man, multiple times spreading blood, bones & organs everywhere until she has enough of slaughtering the body of a disgusting man. "I have tasted blood & now I want more", Jazmine/Banshee, say before she turn around & focus her attention to the club where she is ready to test out her new powers against any unlucky member of the Dragon Triad who have no idea that death is in the form of a possessed woman who is about to make herself known to each one of them. [Club-Dance Floor]. "Our target hasn't made any appearance yet but she is bound to show up in here & once she do she'll be good as dead boss", Kaijin, say to Alexander, before they end there conversation over the phone when he think he notice his target walking within the crowd of dancers. "If that's you Jazmine, then prepare to meet your end right here & right now", Kaijin, say before he order his squad consisted of a woman named Kikko & three men named Kizu, Rai & Fei, to spread out in order to find & kill there assigned target via his earpiece as he also start searching for her. "It's time to crash this party", Jazmine/Banshee, say as she pull out her white pistol she call 'Peace' & her black pistol she call 'War' before she fire off two rounds into the ceiling that make many of the dancers start running out of the club with fear until she is the only person left standing in the place with the five members of the Dragon Triad who each aim there guns at her. "You are a fool to be in here alone expecting to have revenge for a man who brought it all upon himself when he made a deal with the devil after he came into Shanghai, China", Kaijin, say to Jazmine/Banshee, before they each unleash a barrage of bullets into her that was suppose to kill her instantly but instead of her falling on the floor dead she still stand with bullets lodged into her body. "Hell no! This bitch is suppose to be fucking dead from all of that", Kaijin, say to Kikko, Kizu, Rai & Fei, before they each run out of bullets. "I am unkillable. Prepare to meet your end by me motherfuckers because I am the fucking boogieman & I'm gonna send you all straight to hell", Jazmine/Banshee, say to Kaijin, Kizu, Kikko, Rai & Fei, as she holster her dual pistols before she pull out her knife & throw it with such speed that it cut Kizu's head completely off his shoulders in a flash that scares Kikko, who is next to die by the possessed psychopath woman. "Time to die", Jazmine/Banshee, say to Kikko, before she deliver a powerful uppercut that send her severed head flying up in the air. "This bitch isn't a mortal. She's a fucking terminator or something out of this fucking world", Fei, nervously say to Kaijin & Rai, before he meet his end in a gruesome way when Jazmine/Banshee, grab both of his arms that she stretch out until she violently yank his entire body in half from his head to his waist spilling intestines, brainchips, bones & blood everywhere before she throw them down of the floor & confront Rai, who pull out a knife & try to stab her in the throat but doesn't reach it in time. "Oh shit", Rai, say accepting his fate before Jazmine/Banshee, manage to retrieve his own knife from his hand & impale it through his mouth & out the back of his head killing him instantly before she focus her full attention to Kaijin, who is the last remainder of his own squad. "I'm gonna torture you slowly & painfully", Jazmine/Banshee, tell Kaijin, who get ready to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head but doesn't get a chance when the possessed woman tackle him to the floor. "Get the fuck off me", Kaijin, demandingly say to Jazmine/Banshee, who throw his gun out of his hand before she perform a submission hold around his neck in a tight unbreakable fashion that make him loose consciousness.
-(10 Minutes Later)-
[Club-Parking Lot]. "What are you waiting for you immortal bitch?! Go ahead & kill me already! When the 'Wang Twins' hear about this they'll hunt you down even if they have to follow you straight to hell", Kaijin, tell Jazmine/Banshee, just as a bunch of police sirens can be heard in the distance coming to the club while he try to escape from the chair he is tied to. "I look forward to it", Jazmine/Banshee, say to Kaijin, before she pour gasoline all around him while he try his best to escape as the appearance of multiple blue & red sirens can be seen in the distance closing in upon them. "When you get to hell tell the devil that Jazmine & Banshee, sent ya", Jazmine/Banshee, say to Kaijin, after she finish pouring the gas out from the gasoline container before she pull out a lighter from within her black hoodie-jacket & throw it on the gas triggering a huge explosion killing the Dragon Triad member & destroying her Mustang GT in the process as she walk out of the burning flames & thick smoke within a protective magical barrier surrounding her entire body. "This taste of power is fucking awesome & from now on the club will forever be on shutdown", Jazmine/Banshee, thoughtfully tell herself with a smile on her face while her eyes glow pink before she pull the hood of her black hoodie-jacket over her head as multiple cops along with a few ambulance trucks & firefighter trucks arrive on the scene. "I will cleanse New York, of evil men & mafia with my powers of immortality because I am Jazmine King & this is only the beginning of what's to come", Jazmine/Banshee, say before she fade off into the dark without a single cop noticing her leave the crime scene like a wanted suspect.

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