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David had been thinking more and more about Sebastian's words by the time the others had gotten back.

He really did owe it to them to tell them.

Especially Wes. Especially if he...

No. No, it wasn't happening. But he had to tell them.

Did he tell them separately? Or did he tell them all at once?

Telling them separately seemed less intimidating, but also weird... But maybe they'd understand.

"Jeff," he said suddenly, standing up. Jeff, who had been walking past, stopped.


"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Looking confused, Jeff nodded. "Yeah, you can always talk to me."

David pulled him aside. "Okay, so, this isn't exactly a current issue, and I honestly have no idea why but I just need to tell you guys and get it off my chest, and especially with everything going on I just... I'm trans. Like, I've already transitioned- obviously- but I'm trans."

Jeff smiled, his look one of understanding. "I know."

"You do?" David asked, disarmed.

"David, I've known since 'Not The Boy Next Door.' You know we love you, right? And nothing can change that?"

Relieved, he smiled. "Yeah. Well, Sebastian draws the line at murder," he said, laughing. His laughter trailed off as he became aware of the pendant resting underneath his shirt.

"David?" Jeff asked, worried at his sudden change from joyful to upset.

He made a split decision, figuring that if he didn't do it now, he never would.

He reached back, unclasping the necklace from his neck and taking it off.

"What is th-"

"Get rid of this for me," David interrupted, not letting himself back out. "I can't bring myself to throw it away. But it needs to go."

Jeff took it from him, examining the pendant curiously. It was half of a heart, with writing on it. "Mot daug?" he read, confused.

"Mother daughter," David said quietly. "That letter I got a while ago, the one that made me so upset? My mom sent this to me, I had purposefully left it at home. She told me to stop being silly and to come back, she thinks I'm just confused. I tried to get rid of it, but I just can't."

Jeff looked down at the necklace and back up at him. "If I get a hammer," he said, "would you smash it? It might help."

David laughed, heart lightening. "I'll try."

Two down, five to go.

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