Meet the Winchesters

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"Hey beautiful," whispered the man as he wrapped his arms around the blonde. At first they jumped before leaning back into his embrace.

"Sam, you scared the hell out of me," Jess replied with a bit of a laugh. Returning back to her task she fought against the lock as her boyfriend slid away.

He walked around to lean against the locker next to hers. "Do you even have any hell in you?" he teased, reaching to play with a lock of her hair.

"Oh shut up," her face went a little pink. Finally she managed to wrench the door open. "Did you want something else from me?"

"Other than to tell you that you are a beautiful angel?" he teased. "Hey," he protested when she slapped him. "Yeah there was something else I wanted to ask you."


"Will you come to meet my family?" his voice squeaked at the end of the sentence.

She slammed her locker shut. "You want me to do what?" Her voice was small though her eyes were quite large. "Sam, I thought your family didn't want anything to do with me."

"What no," he reached down to play with her hands, "that was just my mom's friend Azazel. He just doesn't like the fact that anybody could be more important than him." He stopped playing with her hands, "but the other members of the family do like you. They actually want to meet you."

Jess still was skeptical, "when would said meeting happen?"

Sam's expression got, if possible, more guilty. "Tonight."

"Tonight?" Jess's voice screeched.

"Dammit Sammy," said a deeper voice behind the couple. They both turned to looked at two boys standing behind them. One of the boys was grinning brightly. His green eyes sparkled mischievously and had blonde hair. He wore and flannel shirt and casual jeans.

Standing next to him was seemingly his polar opposite. His blue eyes were somber but kind. He was dressed In khakis and a white button down. His hair black as a raven and was rumpled as though he had just went through a round.

"Dean, what do you want?"

Dean scoffed and put his arm around Jess's shoulders, "what could I possibly want? I am just surprised it took you this long to ask her. You told mom you asked her weeks ago."

"Dean, stop teasing your brother," rumbled the other boy. Jess was surprised that anybody's voice could be that low.

"Who are you, if I may ask," Jess asked. Her curiosity got the better of her.

"That son of a bitch is Cas," Dean announced proudly. He walked away from her to put his arm on Cas's shoulders instead.

Cas just rolled his eyes, "Dean you are being annoying."

Dean put his hand over his heart and leaned back with a gasp, "you wound me."

"Anyways, you wanted something?" Sam said. He seemed to be trying to distract him from something.

Dean clapped his hands together, "yes. I was coming to ask this lovely lady to accompany me to the family dinner tonight," he drawled in a british accent. He bowed down dramatically to Jess. Sam flashed a bitch face at him as Jess giggled. Castiel just rolled his eyes, 500% done with his bullshit.

"I am sorry sir but I regretfully will have to decline. I am hopelessly in love with your brother. However if is would be agreeable with you I shall request we remain friends," her fake accent was even worse than his.

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