12: The party: what happened at the party stays at the party(2)

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Kai pov:

"Kiss kai" looking over, I freeze. As in kiss-kiss? Like a pair of heart lips on me?! What the fuck?! Okay kai calm down.  Wait...am I even freaking out? Usually I would but something feels...different. shit maybe I can sto-   ~chu~  okay temple. That's not bad. I thought...Aish Kai Pabo!

"I'm getting a drink." FUCK. Sehun.

"Min ill be back"

"Kai where are you-

I don't have time to listen to him finish the rest. Rushing out I see sehun back in the crowd. Pros of being attached to someone. SHIT,shit, shit. How am i gonna explain this?! What do I even say.

Kai wraps his arms around sehuns waist giggling internally at how the younger tense. Leaning down he makes sure his hot breath hits his ear and he internationally drops his voice and octave.

"It didn't mean anything" he yelps jumping when he feels my hands on his waist and spinning him around to face me. I lock eye contact with his admiring how well his blue contacts suit him. 

"I- okay,I'm fine.."

"Sure that's why you ran out and your not looking at me right now." I say annoyed. His been acting strange whole night and why wouldn't I notice.

"Kai i-

"Shut up sehun"

Not knowing where the sudden courage and the aggressive demanding kai came from I decide to let it be and gave it complete control. I smashed our lips. It felt way to long since I kissed him and intend to make the most of it. I keep wanting to ask him something but its not te right time. Dismissing my useless thought I Focus on his lips.

"Mm nini"

Sliding my tongue in we let our tongues dance and I couldn't help the moan that escapes my mouth. Trailing my hands on his legs i squeeze his thigh. After making sure my baby is thoroughly wrecked and dazed I break the kisses to hold his hands. We walk back to the gang as I knew they would send someone to look for us and we we already gone for 10 minutes.

"Sehun-ah! Truth or dare!" Greeted by tae lovely voiced as soon as the door opened I knew they never get a look at us.  Lips swollen and red, my hair slightly messed and sehun hickie on his neck which I'm not even regretting putting there. I don't like the way that wonho was eyeing him and letting him know sehunnie is mine. No one mentions anything when he sit and I pull sehun on my lap completely dismissing the fact I promised min he can sit on me cause I know his upset and he's a big baby in reality but fuck my baby comes first. Besides his my best friend and I'm sure he will understand.

"Dare" taehyung smirks and the room goes quite at what he ask. Kai grips sehun waist a little tighter and sehun is gawking at him practically speechless.

"The fuck tae! No!" He protest shaking his head from side to side.

"Either you lap dance on chanyoel or you lap dance on chanyoel" taehyung sasses and sehun looks like his about to faint where else kai is glaring daggers at chanyoel while him and do sit together. Chanyoel tries to protest but fumbles for words while d.o looks amused.

"Y-yah! Tae! What the actual fuck. I have a boy-
Chanyoel tried to satate only to be cut off

"I don't mind" kyungsoo said point blank. Where else everyone else shouted 'yeah' or now 'that's a boy' sehun,kai and chanyoel looked at Him shocked to which he gave a simple shurg.

"So hunnie~" tae singsonged.

Sighing sehun got up ignoring the look of protest on kai he stands up and exhale deeply.

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